
What the world needs now is Aunt Barbara

On a rainy road trip to a central Pennsylvania burial, Gina Christian met an elderly woman who preached with pie and evangelized through second helpings -- a model today of pure love for everyone.

The meaning of life is love, pope says

Today, more than ever, the world needs a revolution of tenderness, Pope Francis said.

Christians without mercy live like worldly pagans, pope says

Christians are not defined by their baptism but by whether they live their lives according to God's command to love their enemies, Pope Francis said.

To hear from God, we must first learn to listen

By pondering the Scriptures and by spending time in prayer, we can encounter the voice of the Lord, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. When God whispers, we need to move closer to him.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Silence is Christ’s response to lies, divisiveness, pope says at Mass

"With people lacking goodwill, with people who seek only scandal, with those who look only for division, who want only destruction," he said, the best response is "silence. And prayer."

What is a synod of bishops?

With an October 2018 synod of bishops set to focus on young people, we take a closer look at this ancient tradition of gathering, listening and dialogue among the church's shepherds.

Synod of bishops marks a journey together

Listening, dialogue and collaboration are all part of Pope Francis' vision for gatherings of bishops, and for the church itself as it enters the third millennium.

Synodality means walking together as a church

Pope Francis seeks a broader communion between clerics and laity, with an emphasis on listening and moving forward as one body in Christ.

Travel light when walking with Jesus

Sin weighs us down, making it difficult to walk in God's path to new life, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. By letting go of all that is not loving, we are free to follow the Lord.