
Readings of the Holy Mass – Pentecost Sunday

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Christ’s disciples will be led where they do not want to go, pope says

Priests are called to love, care for others and prepare for the cross, Pope Francis said.

Readers agree, beg to differ on response to street beggars

Father Ken Doyle's Q&A presents the strong response he received from a recent column on how, or whether, to give money to people begging on streets. The helpful or angry responses add to the discussion.

Encouragement should be heritage a pope or bishop leaves, pope says

When a bishop leaves a diocese, he should give an honest assessment of what he has done and where he has fallen short, but mostly he should encourage people to follow the Lord, Pope Francis said.

You’re engaged to be married — now it’s time to prepare

Engaged couples should begin to form the habits and virtues they will carry into married life. This package of stories can help couples strengthen their relationship before their big day.

An unusual piece of advice: Talk about routines and rituals

It's valuable to begin married life with a set of simple but intentional commitments to ensure that amid difficulties and busyness, couples can be guided by rhythms and routines that make time and space for the relationships that matter most.

Your engagement: Go for grace, not perfection

Beyond the guest list, caterer and high expectations fed by social media, couples can grow closer by sharing the sacraments of confession and Eucharist in order to deepen their relationship as "training for married life."

Engaged couples: Pray together with the Bible

Pope Francis says a couple should prepare for their wedding by meditating on Scripture together, saying it would not be good "for them to arrive at the wedding without ever having prayed together."

Prayer for engaged couples

Whether a long or short engagement, this prayer can be a couple's companion before they tie the knot in the sacrament of marriage.

Love lies at the heart of life

Both the Gospel and the annual celebration of Mother's Day remind us that we are called to care for one another, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Through compassion and self-sacrifice, we encounter God and invite others to do the same.