
Faith is the framework for true friendship

Superficial connections can't replace the genuine bond between those who share the experience of God's love, which sustains relationships through both good and bad times.

Examples of friendship in Scripture

In both the Old and the New Testaments, the bond between companions recalls the tender, sacrificial love of Christ.

‘Schizoid’ world brags it’s free while chained to greed, pope says

Christian freedom is being free from worldly ambition, fashion and passion and being open to God's will, Pope Francis said.

If death is imminent, is a feeding tube required?

Under certain conditions, medically assisted nutrition may not always be a moral imperative, writes Father Kenneth Doyle. In a separate response, he assesses the legacy of the late Mother Angelica.

Easter calls each of us to be witnesses of Christ’s saving power

Through God's grace, our daily lives become a testimony to Jesus' victory over sin and death, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. In this way, we share the good news of the Resurrection with others.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Third Sunday of Easter

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Reflections on Divine Mercy Sunday

The feast celebrates an eternal message of compassion, forgiveness and hope. In this selection of articles, we examine the origins and significance of the divine mercy devotion.

St. Faustina Kowalska, the apostle of divine mercy

The humble Polish nun devoted her brief life to spreading the message of God's profound love for all of humanity, a task to which all the faithful are called.

St. John Paul II’s devotion to divine mercy

The pontiff wrote an encyclical on God's compassion, and instituted a feast in its honor after canonizing St. Faustina Kowalska, the Polish nun who had received private revelations of this "Easter gift."

How parishes named for divine mercy celebrate their feast day

From gatherings of thousands to low-key celebrations, the message of God's healing compassion resonates throughout the United States all year long.