
This Lent try a new sacrifice — adopt an attitude of gratitude

Reframing our approach to life through gratitude can help us better appreciate family and parishioners. Lenten activities that draw us together can bring profound blessings beyond the finite days of Lent.

Know the history and the reasons for Lenten fasting

In the early church, Christians treated Wednesday and Saturday as fast days, as well as before major feast days like Easter. Giving to the poor during Lent developed as an effective sacrifice and form of self-denial.

Embrace sacrifice, but don’t forget service and surrender

There are three ways we can embrace sacrifice this Lent: ask how much do we need to be happy; look to the needs of those less fortunate; and practice the faith we profess by reconciling with Christ.

Victory of love: Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross has power for our lives

Commenting on the readings for Mass this Sunday, Msgr. Joseph Prior explains how the Ten Commandments codify in the law our relationship with God and each other, and how Christ's self-offering fulfills that law.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Third Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Protestants can receive ashes, but draw a line at the Eucharist

The reception of ashes is a praiseworthy attitude common to all Christians during Lent, explains Father Ken Doyle. But only Catholics may receive Communion, which is a sign of unity that does not fully exist among all Christian faithful.

Confessional is a place of forgiveness, not threats, pope says

God "does not want to beat us and condemn us," but rather "he always looks for a way to enter the hearts" of those who are repentant, the pope said.

Repentance: A Lenten reflection

Lent is a time to delve deeply into our lives during this season of penance and to give a thorough look at what our values are and how we live them. See our package of stories about this way of living "within the dialogue of salvation."

Our response to the Father’s love and forgiveness

Repentance is an encounter with an honest assessment of ourselves and a deep trust in what God can do in us, for he is always reaching for us. It is a process, something we return to over and over again.

Prayer of repentance

Lent presents Catholics with an opportunity and an obligation to examine where their lives are modeling the Lord's example and where they are failing to help bring about the kingdom of God.