
Repentance in the early church

For the first 800 years of the church, those who had fallen into grave sin, which was abnormal, would for a prolonged period seek the prayers of the community. Sins were confessed to the bishop, but penance was a public affair.

God’s love is for all, and for each one of us

Lent invites us to grow in our awareness of the Lord's mercy, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Christ offered himself to the Father not only for humanity, but for every individual.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Saints are regular people humbly living the Gospel, papal preacher says

Of the many tasks and challenges before the Catholic Church, the most important thing is to help people be holy, Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa said.

Even if you don’t go on a retreat, use the Examen during Lent

Kim Griffin realizes that despite this holy time, our obligations have remained the same, and we are just as busy as usual. She suggests a prayerful way to cultivate our relationship with God in our busyness.

Drive-by ashes? Catholics should slow down, go to Mass

Someone saw a sidewalk Ash Wednesday service on the news, but Father Ken Doyle doubts this was a Catholic service. The preference is that Catholics go to church as they begin to observe Lent.

The sacrament of holy orders sets men apart to serve

Priesthood, which models the selfless sacrifice of Christ for his church, is rooted in Scripture and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. See the latest in our continuing series on the sacraments.

Holy orders reflect the faithful’s call to universal priesthood

Working side-by-side with the laity, one priest is reminded that he shares his vocation with all the baptized on the journey of faith.

From baptism to burial, the priest’s ministry is not his own

A young priest tells how on a single, typical day he is surrounded by life and death, and how priests continue the work of bringing Jesus to his people in every moment.

Holy orders is one sacrament with three unique degrees

Through ordination, the Holy Spirit sets apart men as bishops, priests and deacons, each serving the church in a way that helps reflect the full, perfect priesthood of Jesus Christ.