
Lenten preparation and penance lead to a life of joy

The 40 days before Easter are a time to pray, fast and give alms, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. These practices deepen our relationship with the Lord, and enable us to enter more fully into the mystery of his love.

Readings of the Holy Mass – First Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Lent is time to notice God’s work, receive God’s mercy, pope says

Everyone experiences temptation, the pope said. Lent is a time to pause and step back from situations that lead to sin, a time to see how God is at work in others and in the world and, especially, a time to return to the Lord, knowing that his mercy is boundless.

Rooted in Lenten prayer, hope leads to conversion

The journey to Easter calls us to a change of heart, drawing us ever closer to Christ as our lives unfold.

Ashes on the outside call us to look inward during Lent

Ash Wednesday leaves an unmistakable mark, one that invites us to undertake a "spiritual do-over" by turning from sin and seeking the Lord.

Ash Wednesday can mark a rebirth of faith in lapsed Catholics

Although it's not a holy day of obligation, the first day of Lent attracts many inactive believers. Parishes can keep them coming back by offering plenty of opportunities to volunteer, pray and fast.

It’s OK to auction off a blessed car, even a Lamborghini

Father Ken Doyle replies to a letter writer curious about a car blessed by the pope that was auctioned to his favorite charities. Father Doyle also explores the link between Girl Scout groups and Planned Parenthood.

Ash Wednesday begins the journey of a lifetime

The first day of Lent calls us to seek a closer relationship with the Lord by turning from sin and opening our hearts to his love. In this series of articles, we examine how new life is born from ashes.

Help people find healing in the wounds of Christ, pope tells priests

A devotion to and meditation on the five wounds of Christ "may sound a bit medieval," but anyone who recognizes he or she is wounded will find mercy and healing in the passion of Christ, Pope Francis said.

Sacrament of matrimony speaks of love Christ’s love for church

Christian marriage takes the human dimensions of attraction, emotion, friendship and sacrificial service and offers a man and woman through their daily life together a language that communicates the nuptial love of Christ for the church.