
The difference between admiring Jesus and following him

Following Jesus, and dying to ourselves every day, entails not watching him from a distance but engaging in the life he offers, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior on this Sunday's Gospel reading.

Readings of the holy Mass – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

While watching ‘The Keepers,’ remain in the sacraments

Father Ken Doyle answers a reader's fears that her family might drift from the church after watching a TV series on sexual abuse. He commends their commitment to continue going to Mass.

Slow down and don’t swerve into life’s oncoming traffic

If we handle our delays and hardships with patience and humility we can follow God's paths, even the unpaved ones, to get where we need to go, writes Gina Christian.

Mysticism is found in the everyday experience of God

Modern Christians tend to think of mystics as belonging to earlier times, but the mystical encounter occurs in the here and now of our daily lives.

From the Middle Ages to modern times, mystics call us to intimacy with God

The Middle Ages produced a number of high-profile mystics, but even in modern, skeptical times, we can experience a deep relationship with the invisible God.

Mysticism and the modern believer

Mysticism is essentially a profound communion with God and his creation. In this series of articles, we look at how the mystical experience is as relevant today as it was in earlier ages.

Embracing (if not understanding) what mystics share with us

St. Teresa of Avila's mystical experiences defy worldly logic, but open the door for all to encounter God more deeply.

Another look at cellphones in church

Father Doyle takes a second look at mobile devices in Mass, and agrees that several prayer apps can help one prepare more fully for the liturgy. He also reassures a reader that her daughter was validly baptized, despite the priest's subsequent suicide.

God’s perfect love drives out all fear of abandonment

Sin, heartbreak, and death leave us frightened and alone. As Msgr. Joseph Prior explains, Christ reveals the Father's perfect love for us, which transcends all isolation and fear, leading us to new and joyous life.