
Sing to the Lord, despite the rising waters of fear

A drive through I-95's Fort McHenry Tunnel offers Michelle Francl-Donnay a clue as to how the ancient Israelites might have felt crossing the Red Sea on dry land -- fearful, but trusting in God.

‘Who, me? Yes, you.’ Fess up to sins, stop judging others, pope says

Drop the innocent look and the habit of judging others, Pope Francis said; recognizing one's own faults and failings is the first requirement of being a good Christian.

Forgiveness of sins: An audio reflection for Lent

Listen to our podcast of Permanent Deacon Michael Pascarella offering a reflection and a prayer based on a passage from the Gospel of John.

Bless me, for I am a felon — may I be ordained?

Father Ken Doyle hears from a prisoner who found God and the Catholic faith in jail, and wonders about ordained ministry after he's released.

Our inner vision is fed by God’s word, if we listen

CatholicPhilly.com editor Matthew Gambino looks at a prayer for the Second Sunday of Lent that's hard on the ears, but is really about seeing inside our deepest selves, with God's help.

Finding peace of mind during Lent

Fasting is fine for getting in spiritual shape, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. But to dispel anxiety, follow Christ's advice and look at the heart, more than the belly.

An immense outpouring of mercy, beyond counting

Michelle Francl-Donnay's chemistry students are challenged to count the molecules in a cup of water, and she finds a parallel with Abraham and Isaac in the second reading of the Easter Vigil.

Take it from an old man: The only thing that matters is love

God's joy is contagious, writes Father John Catoir. Since you are a carrier of divine love, why not figure out ways to help those near you? Think of ways to bring joy especially to those who may live in fear.

Don’t let meatless Fridays be just a seafood splurge

Real fasting isn't just restricting food choices, Pope Francis said, it must also include cleansing the heart of all selfishness and crying out "full-throated and unsparingly" against injustice and sin.

Don’t be a successful failure: Choose life over false gods, pope says

Don't use peer pressure, greed or laziness as an excuse to chase after false gods and become a wildly successful failure, Pope Francis said.