
Let us rejoice and be glad!

Maria Morrow rejoices over Easter even as her kids get their new Sunday-best clothes muddy before Mass. Despite jelly beans in their pockets, Easter Sunday will come as it does regardless of a mom's best plans.

Recipe: Sweet Easter pie with ancient farro

The highly nutritional and nutty-flavored farro grain plus ricotta cheese and eggs form the foundation of this quiche-style filling for the traditional Italian pie meant to celebrate the end of the Lenten fast.

Pray with art this Easter

When we pray, sometimes we get stuck in forms that we learned long ago. But God speaks and touches us in many ways, and one of them is through art that inspires.

A night for telling stories

The Easter Vigil is a time for recounting our journey on earth and into eternity, writes Laura Kelly Fanucci. Sharing our sacred stories helps us understand ourselves, our world and our God.

Palm Sunday: To love as Jesus loved us

Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the contrasts of the readings for this Sunday, showing how amid the praise for Jesus' on the streets and his rejection and crucifixion, his faith in the Father remains constant.

Palm Sunday: The entrance into Holy Week

One day's contrasts -- the crowds cheering Jesus and then his crucifixion -- which we hear on Palm Sunday introduce Christians to the saving mysteries of Christ's passion, death and resurrection.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition. Reflect on this Sunday's Scriptures with our commentaries and podcasts.

What our palm branches really mean

Now at Palm Sunday, our private Lent becomes public as we pick up palms and pick up our cross. We make public our witness to Jesus, who comes to us on the humble donkey.

A guided meditation on Christ’s last words

The seven short phrases of Jesus at his crucifixion, which features in the Gospel for Palm Sunday that opens Holy Week, invite us to set some time aside to meditate on his precious words.

Devil targets those who succumb to despair, negativity, pope says

Sometimes Christians seem to prefer complaining and being unhappy in life, but that makes them a perfect target for the devil, Pope Francis said in a morning homily.