
Can a divorced person distribute holy Communion?

Father Ken Doyle clarifies misconceptions Catholics have about divorce and the sacraments. In response to another reader, he explains the meaning of "apostolic succession" and why this doctrine is important.

Christian life impossible without the Holy Spirit, pope says

Christians must allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit if they expect to live a Christian life, Pope Francis said.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Easter

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

‘Peace be with you’ are words for fearful, anxious people

Anxiety, stress and fear dominate American culture, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. He points to Jesus in the Gospel for this Sunday's Mass as the giver of divine mercy, if only we open our hearts to him in faith.

Should you go to Mass if you’re in pain?

Father Kenneth Doyle counsels an elderly reader who suffers from arthritis on making the effort to get to church. In response to another reader, he clarifies what an "ambo" is, and how it should be used.

In faith, we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death

Our belief in Jesus’ resurrection calls us to rejoice, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. At Easter, we once again proclaim with renewed vigor and in one voice: “The Lord is risen, he is risen indeed. Alleluia, alleluia!”

Readings of the Holy Mass – Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of the Lord

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

From the handcuffed Christ comes our freedom

Christ took on our human limitations and bound himself long before his captors did so at the crucifixion. Jesus wears our invisible handcuffs and frees our hands for praise, writes Gina Christian.

Our holiest days, before the joy of Easter

Christians are about to enter into the days marking the death of Jesus through his resurrection and our redemption. See this package of reflections, several videos, a call to sacred art and even an Easter recipe.

The living Way of the Cross, a Hispanic tradition of faith

Across the country, Good Friday reenactments of Jesus' crucifixion on the streets of communities bring out faithful Hispanic Catholics and many others share in the suffering of Christ and to bring their own sufferings before his rising on Easter Sunday.