
A daydreaming believer

We aren't supposed to be hiding in the sanctuary, fussing with the candlesticks, writes Greg Erlandson. We, the entire people Christ has gained as his own, are called to go out and share the good news.

The holiness of the ordinary in ‘Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood’

As news spreads about the tactics used by Facebook to hook users and mine their personal data, it may be time to recall Fred Rogers' saying that the space between the television screen and the viewer is holy ground.

Caught in the very act

In a moving Gospel story, the woman caught in adultery (not her unidentified partner) and a mob confront the merciful Jesus who overturns rules and stands with the underdog, writes Effie Caldarola. Do we act as Jesus does?

As we forgive: what Jesus asks of us in the Lord’s Prayer

We tell ourselves that we have a right to nurse grudges against those who insult and cheat us, at least until the score is settled, writes John Garvey. We cannot accept the forgiveness of Jesus on the cross if we withhold our own.

St. Clare and feminism

Clare of Assisi was a 13th-century woman who challenges the modern world, writes a researcher on her life. Clare spent much of her life fighting patriarchy and exploitative economic and social power to live the "privilege of poverty."

Authentic dialogue for our times

Citing Pope Paul VI, Father Eugene Hemrick points to four marks of good dialogue: clarity of speech, meekness, trust and prudence.

Blurred lines: Vatican manipulation of photo becomes news

Greg Erlandson explains the latest media tempest about transparency and the pontificate of Pope Francis involving two popes, one blurry letter and a dash of poor judgment at the Vatican's communications office.

You can freeze embryos, but not consciences

"Specimens" were destroyed when embryo-freezing facilities malfunctioned. Parents were upset not over the loss of "tissue," but of their preborn children. Richard Doerflinger reflects on the wisdom of opposing in vitro fertilization.

The church as field hospital for the wounded

Many young people are hurting inside, even deeply wounded, writes Sister Alicia Torres. Setting captives free from their wounds, including young people, is what Jesus asks of his church right now.

Grieving teen activists challenge us to act

That survivors of the Parkland, Fla. mass shooting have become advocates for safer schools should be a wake-up call for everyone, writes Maria Pia Negro-Chin. It's our turn to aid their efforts at keeping young people safe.