
After the election, approach Thanksgiving with gratitude

Amid increasing COVID-19 fears, how can we incorporate this most American of holidays into a journey of healing for our politically divided country? Through gratitude, writes Effie Caldarola, not negativity.

Friday the 13th: An omen or amen?

While an ominous date plays on the imagination of forces beyond our control and fear of supernatural power, people of faith embrace both in a mighty word meaning “may it be so,” writes Father Tom Dailey.

Together, apart for the holidays

Visits with loved ones in groups won't be possible in this year of COVID. Intentionally synchronizing activities is one answer to distanced holidays, and there are blessings to be found, writes Maureen Pratt.

6 ways to approach the McCarrick report

An editorial invites a charitable reading of the report to understand why individuals -- especially Pope John Paul II -- made the choices they did to advance McCarrick into positions of power.

Where we go from here

The divisions, the taunts and even the hatred Americans have for one another actually is an opportunity, writes Greg Erlandson. We need to work together. God has given us a need so obvious we can't miss it.

Culture’s biggest problems weren’t on the Nov. 3 ballot

Deacon Christopher Roberts conveyed a long-view perspective on the U.S. national elections with an Nov. 4 address for students of Martin Saints Classical High School.

Archbishop Pérez, foster mother call for church rights in Supreme Court case

As the high court heard arguments on a challenge to Philadelphia's refusal to refer foster care placements through Catholic Social Services, the archbishop and Toni Simms-Busch made their own case in two newspapers.

Frustrated by injustice? Read ‘Fratelli Tutti’ and have hope

The latest encyclical by Pope Francis, positioned next to the divisiveness and political trauma we've endured, brought peace and renewed sense of hope for Edith Avila Olea.

What now for the Supreme Court?

Despite the outcome of the presidential election, Richard Doerflinger sees in the debate over Justice Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation some disturbing aspects of our current political discourse.

This Election Day, ‘render unto God’ by transforming the culture

The restoration of family, civic and church communities, by advancing church teachings and a thousand personal decisions, is the work of today and the next 100 years in America, writes Father Eric Banecker.