
Another painful revelation of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church

The church can't guarantee its members won't sin, only that sins of sexual harassment will be dealt with transparently -- whatever the cost and for however long, writes Greg Erlandson.

Same-sex identity beginning to trump 10 Commandments

Courts in Canada and the U.S. might say that sexual intimacy is not a sin outside of heterosexual marriage. Rather, it is a practice "central to (personal) identity" and "human dignity," writes John Garvey of this revision of the Decalogue.

Pot-ful of trouble in Canada

An editorial in Canada's national Catholic newspaper argues the nation's new law legalizing marijuana disregards the documented harm that legal pot will inflict on public health, family life and spiritual well-being.

Abortion puts spotlight on role of judges in America

Realizing how unwarranted Roe v. Wade is might be a good test for a judge's competence, even if abortion as a moral issue shouldn't be a litmus test for a Supreme Court justice, writes Richard Doerflinger.

What to expect when you’re not expecting a serious diagnosis

News of a life-changing illness can cause anxiety because we don't know what's to come. Maureen Pratt points to three realities to help one cope, built on the firm foundation of faith.

More eloquence please

These days we're saying more, but not saying it better, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. If our rhetoric is causing more divisions than understanding, we should look to the masters of words for balance.

God rested. Don’t we need the same?

Busy mom Laura Kelly Fanucci has three simple ways to find rest amidst the frantic rush of one must-do-task to the next. God created rest as a profound act of divine might and wisdom.

Collegians on mission trips pack an open mind, return with wider hearts

When Sister Mary Henrich travels to Peru with her Immaculata University students, she knows their work with young children and disabled students is helping them take the joy of the Gospel into the world.

Young adults leading the move toward mentoring

As family life and parish life continue to change, young adults need, and are calling for, one-on-one support in the spiritual life and practical tools for adulthood, writes Elise Italiano.

The law of a mother’s bonding versus civil law

Responding to immigration requires postmodern wisdom like never before, and Father Eugene Hemrick suggests we get our understanding of law and vital issues concerning life and family in better order.