Over the centuries, the Church has needed new life many times. And God has always called up new men and women to do the work. From the early Benedictines in the sixth century; to the Dominicans and Franciscans in the Middle Ages; to the Jesuits at the time of the Reformation, God has used new forms of zeal and community to advance Catholic life.
My own first religious family – the Capuchins – began as a reform movement within a reform movement. The Capuchins wanted to recover the early Franciscan spirit and live it even more radically. So they took a new path – faithful but different.
The 20th century saw an explosion of new Catholic forms of life, both before and after Vatican II: Opus Dei, Focolare, Communion and Liberation, the Christian Life Movement and many others. Each has a distinct identity. Each has a unique mission. But led faithfully, all serve the Church by re-energizing Catholics who’ve grown cold in a culture that feeds the senses and starves the spirit. In my 25 years as a bishop. I’ve been struck again and again by the joy these new forms of service and community bring to Catholic life. They’re a treasure for the Church. We need to encourage them here in Philadelphia.
One of the most dynamic of the new forms of life and service is the Neo-Catechumenal Way – or simply “The Way” as members know it. The Way began in Spain in the years after Vatican II, focused on service to the poor. As time passed, The Way developed into a complete way of life; a profound and on-going formation in Christian living based on the catechumenate – the period of basic instruction in the Christian faith — of the Early Church. The Way sees itself very specifically as a tool for bishops and parish pastors to advance the new evangelization. Today The Way has hundreds of communities across the globe, including scores of Redemptoris Mater (“Mother of the Redeemer”) missionary seminaries. Families in The Way often go on mission themselves. They engage in extraordinary Christian generosity.

Archbishop Chaput poses with several of the seminarians coming to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the Neo-Catechumenal Way.
Bill Beckman, a friend and former staff member of mine from years past, has been active in The Way, along with his wife and children, for a long time. One of Bill’s sons recently chose to pursue the priesthood at one of The Way’s new missionary seminaries, and Bill offered his thoughts as a father in an email:
“A missionary seminary is built upon a missionary charism. It’s a necessity. The seminarians, who have discerned a call from God, acknowledge that call by placing themselves at God’s disposal with a willingness to go wherever they are sent. At the recent [gathering] of more than 350 aspiring seminarians in Porto San Giorgio, Italy, [young men of the Neo-Catechumenal Way were] sent to more than 90 seminaries scattered over six continents. Young men from the United States were sent to seminaries in Ukraine, India, America, South Africa and Guam. They let go of attachment to home and family relationships for the sake of doing the will of God in service to his Church. This may sound very unusual to some of us, but in Jewish and Christian history it’s not.
“Abraham left his father’s native place and started walking to an unknown place where God would fulfill his promises. God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt. The prophets all received calls to speak the word of God under difficult circumstances in the places God willed. The Virgin Mary responded in faith to the message of the angel without knowing that it would lead to the foot of the Cross. Joseph obeyed the message of an angel he heard in a dream and took the Child and his mother into Egypt to escape Herod’s murderous intention. Jesus, faithful to his mission, made the ascent to Jerusalem and trod the path to Calvary. The apostles and their companions carried the Gospel to the nations, and this same dynamic movement of the Spirit has driven our missionary Church throughout the centuries.
“American history is full of stories of missionary dynamism, and this time of great change for the Church is no different. Pope Francis constantly speaks of ‘going out,’ accompanying those who are far away, on the periphery, or who are little regarded. The Church needs a new evangelization, one not rooted in comfortable and familiar ways, but in the renunciation of self, wealth, place and relationships. The service of The Way and the initiatives of other new movements and charisms are wonderful examples of the ‘freshness and fragrance of the Gospel’ in the words of Pope Francis. We are the recipients of this outpouring of blessings from God who is never outdone in generosity. May our hearts be filled with gratitude!”
Nicholas Beckman, Martha and Bill Beckman’s son and one of six wonderful young men assigned to our local Church from The Way, is among the seminarians coming to the new Redemptoris Mater missionary seminary being founded this year in Philadelphia at my request.
Redemptoris Mater missionary seminary – similar to a “house of formation” as Americans usually understand the term – will not replace or compete with St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Redemptoris Mater will have its own identity and rector. But St. Charles will continue to provide the academic formation for all our seminarians. And all our seminarians – both those who enter St. Charles under the traditional protocols, and those who are educated by St. Charles through Redemptoris Mater missionary seminary – will be equally “our” seminarians. Men of The Way ordained for Philadelphia will be fully and permanently Philadelphia priests, with the one footnote that a certain number will be released, as circumstances allow, for missionary service for a limited time in The Way, overseas or here in North America.
In the weeks ahead, I’ll provide more details on the new Redemptoris Mater missionary seminary, and very positive developments at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary itself. In the meanwhile, as we seek to renew the tremendous legacy of Catholic life in Philadelphia, I ask you to pray for the six young men who have come from afar and committed their lives to serving the Church here in the Philadelphia region.
That’s the kind of trust in God, the kind of courage, that can transform the world. And that’s the kind of courage we now need as a Church – from all of us.
Wonderful news!
I had the privilege of knowing and working with Bill Beckman during the too-short-time he was in Omaha. What a loss to us when he went back to Denver. I had not known of the Neocatechumenal Way until I met Bill. If he and his family are an indication, this effort will be rock-solid in the faith, and bear much good fruit!
This is very exciting news for our Archdiocese. I am looking forward to meeting our new Seminarians. God bless us all. Semper Fidelis.
Dear Archbishop Chaput,
Congratulations!!!. We have discoverd the Church as a Mother not long ago and It has changed our lives.
The Way has done so much good to our marriage that we cannot keep it to ourselves.
God bless you, these six vocations and the Church in Philadelphia
Dear Archbishop Chaput –
I only pray that you can convince Bishops and parish priests across America of the value and the need for The Way. May God bless you for your faithful service!
Dear Archbishop Chaput,
I heard yesterday that you brought Our Lady of America to the Bascilica of the Immaculate Conception on Saturday. I trust that means you installed her and had the Solemn Procession that Our Lady requested over 50 years ago.
What a Blessing for our country and for the world. I look forward to the unlimited prodgenies and healings of Spirit and body that she promised. Let Purity reign. Let Peace reign in our obedience to our Loving Flame of Love, Mary our Mother.
I will see you tomorrow night on the Way. The last time you told me to write you a letter. You were terrific today in Washington. I pray for you and the Pope every day. Sometimes I add Msgr. McLoene
Congratulations Archbishop Chaput and the church in Philadephia; what an adventure you will experience in the renewal of your baptismal promise. We know both Johnathan Rice and Nicholas Beckman as brothers in community from Denver and we wish them both a special blessing for their vocations and we pray for them, for you, and the whole church there in Philadelphia. Thanks for all you did in Denver Archbishop and God has a great mission for you!!! Peace be with you all.
I will be praying for this group and thanking God that we see the need for evangelization STARTING in the pew. It would be a pity if converts know more about the faith than cradle Catholics. This will take a willingness on the part of us all to go beyond hearing the Word only at Mass….
It is the “Body of Christ” that needs to be formed more fully in their Faith….for this is where the seeds of priestly Vocations are nourished. The Church needs to provide education to the laity so that they may live out their Baptismal Call in a more complete way. Jesus said, “Feed My Sheep”. We need to know Jesus and His teachings in order to love Him and follow Him with complete surrender. This is especially true in today’s world where so few Catholics are receiving a Catholic Education. Where are they being educated…..certainly not in a 10 minute homily at Sunday Mass. I attended the three year program of Church Ministry Institute and it was wonderful, although most of us said that it just left us wanting for more. The people of the Church yearn to know more about the Word of God and the teachings of the Church…..and we want to be formed by people who have already spent years in formation. It’s a real “Thirst” for Christ as Mother Teresa would always say. Please keep this in prayer and may The Holy Spirit inspire you to guide the people of God to a better place on their spiritual journey.
An excellent and inspired decision, Archbishop! The Church in Philadelphia can only benefit from bringing the Way into our Archdiocesan life. Thank you and God love you, Archbishop as well as these fine young men!