
The Nativity through the eyes of St. Joseph

A journalist and father thinks about the radical idea that "Jesus became who he was not only because he was the Son of God, but because he was the son of a good man," and holds up St. Joseph as a model for all dads.

It’s not our gift but the act of our giving it

On the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Msgr. Joseph Prior recalls a heartwarming Christmas story to reflect on what we bring to the altar of the Christ child’s crib, to the Savior who has given us everything.

Readings of the holy Mass – Fourth Sunday of Advent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

What are the rules on low-gluten hosts at Communion?

While hosts must contain some wheat, permissible low-gluten hosts are 0.01 percent wheat and are safe for most celiac sufferers, writes Father Ken Doyle. He also advises a reader on one priest's football commentary at Mass.

Like an Advent pregnancy, we should be heavy with Christ

The challenge of the season is to let Christ be born in us, always, writes Michelle Francl-Donnay. Then our compassion can flow out to the people we meet, offering them good cheer, patience and support.

‘Jesus Prayer’ is easy way to center us on the Lord, at any time

While stuck in traffic, stressed at work or running errands, it's simple to pray, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” says writer Kim Griffin. She points to the story of a homeless pilgrim on a quest.

How should you hold your hands at the ‘Our Father’?

A reader wonders why some people hold out their hands in the prayer and others don't. Father Ken Doyle explains only the priest is required to; it's an option for everyone else. He doubts that it matters to God.

Advent Week Four: Grow closer to Mary this Advent

As a lesson before the final Sunday of Advent, Mary's humility and obedience to the call of God is the model for us all, whether or not angels appear before us proclaiming good news of great joy.

Mary experienced God’s game-changing ways

We might be afraid of what God asks of us. Mary shows us how to be unafraid and to let ourselves be surprised by God, to come out of our safety zone and be transformed by love.

Mary pondered good news in her heart, not publicly

Mary’s example of humility contrasts with our self-absorption on social media and an all-too-competitive world. Her steadfastness inspires us to pursue quiet time for reflection, even at this most hectic of times.