
After Christmas, take the time to ponder and rest in God, as Mary did

St. Luke's portrait of Mary pondering the things of Jesus' birth in her heart remind us that God is within us calling us to sit quietly in contemplation with him, writes Michelle Francl-Donnay before the solemnity of the Mother of God.

Amidst Christmas parties, don’t miss big news of the Nativity

Msgr. Joseph Prior reviews all the Gospel readings for the Christmas Masses, which tell how God lowers himself to take on our humanity so that we might become divine, so great is his love for us.

Readings of the holy Mass: Christmas

Before you attend one of four Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, review the readings before Mass with the resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

It’s always Advent, now and until the end of time

Even if it weren’t the most hectic time of the year for professor Michelle Francl-Donnay, she knows the light is always breaking through the darkness, just like the sun, as we ever await the coming of God among us.

Preceding a business buzzword, Christ’s birth began something big

Gina Christian explains how “disruptive innovation” starts in either a low-end or a new market, appeals to overlooked customers, is considered inferior, doesn’t follow standard protocol and takes time to succeed. Sound familiar?

Christmas celebrates anew the birth of Jesus Christ

Our reflection on Christmas looks at the expression of the feast of the Nativity of Our Lord in the family and in the culture, and how it can lead to deeper discussions about living out an enfleshed faith in our lives today.

How the Christmas story points beyond itself

Without the story of the birth in Bethlehem of an infant named Jesus -- without his birth as a real child needing a place to sleep peacefully, as all babies do -- Christianity would be a very different kind of faith.

Create some new Christmas family traditions

A birthday cake for Jesus, made by the kids, is one of Kelly Bothum's favorite traditions because it makes Jesus totally relatable to her crazy family of five on Christmas morning. She offers four new family traditions.

At Christmas Eve Mass, a light shines in the darkness

The readings for the Mass juxtapose darkness and light, a theme replete with hope. Isaiah reflects God's promise of a Messiah using words we breathe in, we shout, we proclaim as we experience the great light of Christ.

Films to watch at Christmastime

With Christmas approaching, here are capsule reviews of some holiday-themed films that parents, teens and, in some cases, the whole family can enjoy together.