The family-themed celebration Saturday night, Sept. 26, included music by top artists in several genres and testimony on family life by six families from around the world. Pope Francis greeted each one and gave a stirring address to the hundreds of thousands filling the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia. Read the full story.

Pope Francis arrives by popemobile at the stage area after touring the crowds on the parkway. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

The Philadelphia Orchestra performs under the direction of Yannick Nezet-Seguin. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Amy Wall, recipient of a miracle that led to the canonization of St. Katharine Drexel, proclaims a Bible reading from Hosea. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Actor and producer Mark Wahlberg served as master of ceremonies for the Festival of Families. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Pope Francis meets a young couple, intending to marry, from Australia during one of six family testimonies from around the world. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Pope Francis, Archbishop Chaput and all the guests watch a video on family life. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Pope Francis listens to Herb Lusk, a Christian pastor and former Philadelphia Eagle, proclaim a reading from the Gospel of Luke, on the parable of the prodigal son. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla, daughter of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, reads a letter by her mother before her death. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Excitement was the word of the day on Sept. 26 in Philadelphia, as these religious sisters and novices show. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Anna Candeloro and Anthony Scafidi from Blackwood, N.J., praise the Lord during the Festival of Families. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

Singer Jackie Evancho filled center city with the sounds of her soprano voice at the Festival of Families. (Photo by Sarah Webb)
PREVIOUS: Papal motorcade winds through city to acclaim of crowds
NEXT: Pope Francis challenges bishops on sex abuse, pastoral outreach
Jackie Evancho Should have been top of the bill. would be interested who the pope prefers to listen too