
This Election Day, it will be no party

Chris Roberts will cast his vote but with lament for the state of our nation, and an awakened sense of his identity first as a Catholic, second as an American, and in a very distant third, Republican or Democrat.

To build the culture of life, put more heart in your hands

With true compassion in our hearts we can help the young and the elderly, and courageously suffer with them, writes Sister Constance Veit.

Bishop Ricardo Ramirez’s view on the power, and gifts, of the poor

Moises Sandoval reflects on a new book by his friend and retired bishop on the "Emergence of the Latino in the Church and in Society." Both men know that immigrants have always been a boon for America.

Get busy on Fridays before Year of Mercy ends

Pope Francis has turned heads with his public witness on Mercy Fridays, and columnist Effie Caldarola suggests we could all follow his example by practicing a work of mercy each week during this special year.

The campaign to repeal the Hyde Amendment

The amendment was passed in 1976 because neither party thought taxpayers should be forced to pay for abortions. Even though 62 percent of Americans still agree, the Democratic Party's platform now calls for overturning Hyde.

Toward a better party platform, for everyone

Father Eugene Hemrick proposes a political platform for both Republicans and Democrats that focuses more on the quantum leaps in creativity in our lifetimes, and less on character assassination.

Both left and right misread Pope Francis’ warning on gene modification

The pope inseparably links preservation of the environment and defense of human life, writes John Garvey. If we rely on media reports only from commentators we agree with we may miss the truth of Francis' writings.

Four ways to avoid falling into a computer hacker’s traps

Scams are as old as humanity, but today's hi-tech scammers use new deceptions to waste your time and money. Maureen Pratt offers some tips from personal experience to protect good people from bad actors.

Moving on after a relationship comes to an end

In his On the Record column, Charlie Martin listens to OneRepublic's new song "Wherever I Go." There are no painless ways to get over a romantic breakup, but the wise step is to go slowly with a new relationship at the start.

Reading, a social good

Americans are reading more than they used to, according to America magazine. But much work is needed to close the socioeconomic gap among readers, and to foster the consumption of literature.