
Learning to take the wheel of your own life

Karen Osborne advises young people not to sit passively as in the back seat but to stay alert and actively participate in the everyday moments of their life.

Pope Francis startles the world

Deacon Bill Masapollo believes the pope is exciting people around the world because he is reminding us of the profound beauty of living as Jesus would have us live.

Love your neighbor to combat the culture of violence

On the day that a Colorado jury was to announce its verdict in the case of a man who opened fire in a crowded movie theater killing 12 people, Tennesseans were trying to make sense of another deadly shooting, this time in our state.

Pray for those who persecute you

Only prayer, not the threat of law, can convert the hearts of people working at Planned Parenthood so that they rediscover their dignity, writes Bishop James Conley.

A papal call to action on the environment

The great Catholic tradition of social justice is at risk if Catholics fail to connect in the policy arena with all the social issues of our day, especially those related to the environment, writes Father William Byron.

Tragedy becomes a moment of grace

Effie Caldarola ponders the grace of forgiveness as shown by members of a South Carolina church, scene of a recent shooting that left nine members dead.

Job search reveals it’s more about attitude than resume

Writer Erick Rommel used a novel approach to getting job interviews, and jobs. Ask him about it -- he's always "in the area."

How a 1950s theologian formed the basis of ‘Laudato Si’

Father Eugene Hemrick examines the thought of Father Romano Guardini, an influence on Pope Francis and his encyclical on the environment.

Lessons in faith from the desert

A small mission in mountainous New Mexico teaches columnist Moises Sandoval perseverance and dependence on God.

Supreme Court can’t rule on sacrament of marriage

Father William Byron suggests a two-tier system in which a Catholic man and woman marry in a civil ceremony, followed by a church rite for conferral of the sacrament.