Hispanic Catholics

Young Salvadorans embrace St. Romero

St. Romero has become popular among some youth in El Salvador as a voice of reason amid problems such as poverty and violence.

Salvadoran archbishop asks pope to make Romero ‘doctor of the church’

Archbishop Jose Luis Escobar Alas's request was met with cheers and applause from an estimated 5,000 Salvadoran pilgrims during an audience with the pope the day after the martyred St. Romero became El Salvador's first saint.

El Salvador celebrates its first saint, whose legacy continues

During the Oct. 14 at the Vatican -- very early morning in El Salvador -- Salvadorans gathered in the square outside the cathedral to watch the ceremony on big screens; others watched in their parishes.

St. Romero’s brothers rejoice at his canonization

Before the sun rose in Rome Oct. 14, 88-year-old Gaspar Romero and his brother, 93-year-old Tiberio Romero were at the head of the line of thousands of people waiting to get into St. Peter's Square.

Reflexiones sobre el sinodo del 2018: Una visión desde la India

Arzobispo Charles Chaput comparte una reflexión de un joven de India sobre el Sínodo de los Obispos del 2018 centrándose en la juventud.

October newsletter: Office for Hispanic Catholics

Aprenda sobre los eventos comunitarios e información de interes a la comunidad hispana.

Local Hispanic leaders get to work on top priority: youth ministry

The need to refocus on young Hispanic Catholics who want to work in ministry was one of the takeaways from the national Encuentro V meeting last month, and its local delegates are home reflecting on the experience.

Next Encuentro phase is action by parishes, dioceses on ideas, priorities

Nearly 3,000 Hispanic ministry leaders have gone back to their parishes and dioceses to share the ideas and fruits of the conversations that took place at the Fifth National Encuentro in Grapevine, Texas.

Obispos estadounidenses encuentran jóvenes con esperanza en Encuentro

Jóvenes dijieron que fueron inspirados por la reunión y animados porque "los obispos están pensando en nosotros."

Hacia una forma justa y razonable de avanzar

En una carta a las personas de la Arquidiócesis, Arzobispo Charles J. Chaput explica el compromiso de ayudar a los sobrevivientes de abuso, y de hacer todo que lo posible para limpiar la Iglesia y sus ministerios de abuso en el futuro.