Local News

Marian feast not a holy day this year, but go to Mass anyway

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception has been moved to Monday, Dec. 9. While attending Mass that day isn't an obligation, honoring Mary offers “the antidote for a dissatisfied life.”

St. Rita Shrine grateful for $50,000 donation

The St. Alfio Society of Pennsylvania gifted the national shrine in South Philadelphia Nov. 25 to aid its mission to help "make the world a better, safer, and more peaceful place.” 

Christmas cards provide hope for the hungry

With handcrafted artwork and heartfelt greetings, archdiocesan Nutritional Development Services affirms the reason for the season, while raising funds for the agency's food cupboards.

Vulnerable women, kids benefit from #GivingTuesday

Mercy Hospice, which supports women in recovery and their children, will benefit from this year's annual donation campaign, with funds providing basic necessities and transformative life skills.

10 Catholics named to receive papal honors

Pope Francis has recognized 10 individuals, most with local ties to the Philadelphia Archdiocese, for their exceptional service to the church. They will be honored at a vespers service Dec. 9.

Bishops of Pa., N.J. spend Thanksgiving with pope

At a long meeting with Pope Francis Nov. 28 the bishops discussed issues including the sexual abuse crisis, the forthcoming McCarrick report and the diminishing number of Catholics on the East Coast.

Coat drive warms hearts and homes

At the sixth annual Operation Bundle Up on Nov. 30, archdiocesan Catholic Social Services wrapped more than 500 kids and adults in winter gear, while connecting families with needed resources.

Full hearts, open hands at area Thanksgiving celebrations

Faithful throughout the Archdiocese celebrated the holiday with prayer, praise and a number of outreaches to those in need.

Parish draws 35 men, sons for theology talk via football party

St. Peter Parish in West Brandywine, Chester County invited men of the parish and their teen sons Nov. 17 to hear a talk about Theology of the Body, followed by lunch and the Eagles vs. Patriots game.

Pa. bishops visiting Rome won’t miss Thanksgiving meal

In their periodic required visit to meet with the pope at the Holy See, the bishops of Pennsylvania and New Jersey are discussing, praying and, with other Americans in Rome, eating together on Thursday.