Local News

Shoots of peace, prosperity emerging in Rwanda

Catholic Relief Services staffer Pascasie Musabyemungu spoke in Philadelphia March 11 of how the agency is working in her country to improve living standards and reconcile people after the Rwandan genocide.

Archdiocese donates to pro-life group, CRS

Catholics last year donated more than $365,000 to Catholic Relief Services in last year's collection. The Philadelphia Archdiocese also donated to the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment.

Germantown forum discusses the wounds of racism

More than 100 people from 14 archdiocesan parishes met at the Miraculous Medal Shrine to discuss candidly their experiences of racial discrimination in the church, and their inspiration for remaining Catholic.

Mass brings profound memories and lessons of Mother Katharine

Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated a Mass to mark the feast of St. Katharine Drexel at the convent she founded in Bensalem. The attendees included two whose miraculous cures were linked to the saint's prayers.

Last weekend, Catholics made time for Christ’s healing mercy

At least 59 Catholic parishes in the Philadelphia Archdiocese responded enthusiastically to the call by Pope Francis to celebrate 24 Hours for the Lord. Adoration, Mass and confessions were offered Friday night through Saturday.

To teach better, 900 catechists spend day sharing their faith

The annual Catechist Convocation Saturday in Radnor had its largest turnout ever. About a third were Catholic school teachers and the remainder PREP teachers, all of whom learned how to better share their faith.

Students see aid continuing as Catholic school closes

Financial factors are forcing St. Francis de Sales School in Lenni, Delaware County, to close. But under a transition plan, students could receive up to $2,000 in tuition aid at a nearby Catholic school next year.

Clergy changes announced in archdiocese

The Philadelphia Archdiocese noted two special ministry assignments and a new parochial administrator for St. Ignatius Parish in Yardley.

Joy of Socks thrills homeless people, and the man who gives them

Tom Costello had a phobia of street people. But when he gave a pair of socks to a homeless woman and she hugged him in gratitude, he had an epiphany and started a vital new charity.

More local Catholic churches join 24 Hours for the Lord this weekend

In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to date, 59 parishes will participate, more than double the number from a week ago. Catholic churches worldwide are opening their doors for prayers this Friday night and Saturday.