Local News

Brother of Terri Schiavo gives talk on end-of-life issues

Bobby Schindler spoke Sunday, March 9 at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Richboro on the topic of assisted nutrition and hydration. It was part of an archdiocesan series that offers parish-based talks titled "Life Affirming Choices." Also, a Mass for Terri Schiavo will be celebrated by Archbishop Chaput March 31.

Statue of Mary coming soon to South Philadelphia street corner

The dream of Sister Paula Bierschmitt, artist and religious, to erect a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe on South Broad Street is nearing fruition. It all started with a mysterious photograph she took of Our Lady's image six years ago.

The hard work of finding work

Ernie Russom runs a job search group at St. Laurence Parish in Upper Darby. He knows local companies are hiring, but the process of finding those jobs is challenging. He helps people in his group find their way to their next job.

Archbishop Chaput to bring civic leaders to Rome for meeting with Pope Francis

The archbishop, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter announced at a press conference March 7 that they will travel with a group of top business execs to Rome to plan for the 2015 World Meeting of Families -- and, possibly, the visit of Pope Francis to Philadelphia.

Families at home can join with those abroad through CRS Rice Bowl

Anne Ayella sits down with writer Lou Baldwin to discuss CRS Rice Bowl, the longtime program that focuses attention during Lent on getting to know people around the world, praying for them and giving.

Work of lay Franciscan Volunteers shows ‘Holy Spirit is working’

The Franciscan Volunteer Ministry, based in New York and serving intensively at Kensington's St. Francis Inn, received an award from the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. The volunteers take one year after college to serve -- a year that changes the community and themselves.

The truth of life emerges

Those who attended the Pennsylvanians’ for Human Life annual banquet got an earful, twice: A journalist lifted the veil on abortion media coverage, and a former abortion clinic worker had an epiphany when a clinic director finally said: “What we do here is end life.”

Youth rally on Sunday aims to help anxious teens trust in God

All Catholic high school-aged students are invited to the Generation Phaith Youth Rally March 2 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., which will include live music, workshops, lunch, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confession and Mass.

Questionnaire on family life to aid church meetings

The input of Philadelphia-area Catholics last November will help with church discussions regarding marriage and the family this fall in Rome, and for the World Meeting of Families next year in Philadelphia.

Two Northeast Philadelphia priests found unsuitable for ministry

Archbishop Charles Chaput decided Fathers James Collins and John Paul would not return to ministry after allegations that they sexually abused minors were found to be credible. Both priests had been suspended in 2013 but face no criminal charges.