Local News
Seminary chair established in honor of Cardinal Foley
A chair in homiletics and social communication has been established at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood in honor of alumnus and former faculty member Cardinal John Foley. An honorary chair is a faculty position for a particular purpose funded by the interest from an endowment restricted to that purpose, explained seminary rector Father Shaun […]
Seven new members appointed to archdiocesan review board
The Archdiocese has announced the appointment of seven new members to serve on the Archdiocesan Review Board, the consultative panel which advises the Archbishop of Philadelphia throughout the process of assessing allegations of sexual abuse of minors, evaluating clerics’ suitability for ministry, and the continual review of Archdiocesan policies and procedures related to these matters. […]
Archdiocese prepares to receive revised Roman Missal
Once upon a time… A pastor had heard a number of complaints from parishioners about the changes in the English edition of the Roman Missal that are about to take effect. They grumbled, “More change?!” He was not looking forward to the task of catechizing them as to why the word changes were so important, […]
St. Bede students celebrate Thanksgiving
The kindergarten children at St. Bede the Venerable School in Holland held a Thanksgiving feast for their parents and grandparents, complete with turkey and all the trimmings. Before dinner, the children dressed as both Native Americans and pilgrims, and presented a musical tribute to the holiday. [hotblock]
Members of Women With a Purpose donate Thanksgiving baskets to Philadelphia parish
The St. Thomas of Villanova Walking With Purpose women’s group recently donated items that filled 12 beautiful gift baskets with everything needed for a Thanksgiving dinner. The recipients are families from St. Thomas of Villanova’s sister parish, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament in West Philadelphia. Walking with Purpose aims to bring women to a […]
Letter from Archbishop Chaput on the use of the new English translation of the Roman Missal
November 20, 2011 My brother priests and deacons, My brothers and sisters of the lay faithful, Next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, is an historic occasion for Catholics throughout the United States. After forty-some years, we will celebrate Mass with a revised English translation. This is a translation of the 2002 third edition of […]
Veterans Day commemorated at Our Lady Help of Christians School
Our Lady Help of Christians School in Abington was honored to have seven veterans, representing all military branches, visit and speak to the children on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11. The day began with a prayer for veterans followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The first-grade class then led the singing of “God Bless America.” […]
St. Monica School students learn Mandarin Chinese
When Victoria Dougherty was preparing to adopt her daughter, Kelly, from Taiwan almost three years ago, she began to learn Mandarin Chinese. “I didn’t want to have a 6-year-old who was unable to communicate with me,” said Dougherty, who with her husband Ted, daughter Kelly, almost 9, and son Teddy, 6, live in Phoenixville and […]
Nutritional Development Services unveils new design of Christmas card
Every year the archdiocesan Nutritional Development Services (NDS) offers a 10-card pack of Christmas cards as a fundraiser for its Community Food Program. The program helps purchase food for area food cupboards and soup kitchens. [hotblock] Every year, a new design is added to the pack. This year’s design is Mary’s Child. It is available […]
Young Hispanics gather at vocation meeting
While some were busy on Friday making a fuss over the significance of the date 11/11/11, a group of about 35 high school age youths from various North and South Philadelphia groups gathered at the Bevilacqua Community center in Kensington on for a vocational evening. The evening consisted of an exhibit from about 15 religious […]