National News

U.S. bishops call for solidarity with Middle East victims of violence

"A concern for our Christian brethren is inclusive and does not exclude a concern for all the peoples of the region who suffer violence and persecution, both minorities and majorities, both Muslims and Christians," said a statement from four bishops.

Bishop Vasquez welcomes federal appeals court ruling on refugee ban

The bishop pledged that church agencies would continue to welcome people "as it is a vital part of our Catholic faith and an enduring element of our American values and traditions."

Faith, love and flexibility: Longtime married couples share all three

A common faith, thinking as a team, being flexible and arguing candidly but respectfully describe some of the keys to a strong marriage for Claude and Yvette Arrington, named Oregon's longest married couple by Worldwide Marriage Encounter.

Refugee, health care issues come to fore during social ministry webinar

If the people aren't going to a Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington this year, then the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering is going to the people.

Catholic legal staff, priest visit Haitian detainees in Colorado, Arizona

Many Haitians are placed in temporary detention centers throughout the country, while appealing for asylum in the United States often in places lacking any Creole-speaking detention and legal staff.

Vatican official speaks at U.S. bishops’ bioethics conference

"New technologies, by reason of the satisfaction they bring, their complexity, and their great efficiency have become the touchstone by which today's ethical challenges are judged," said Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia.

Slammed in 2005 by Katrina, tornado victims hold fast to faith

The Davises have endured a house fire in 1982 and flooding from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 but say their faith is intact.

Religious sisters to throw special medallion honoring order from float

As part of the 175th anniversary celebration of the Sisters of the Holy Family 20 members of the religious order will ride down St. Charles Avenue in the Uptown parade Feb. 19.

More Latino families finding a home in Catholic schools

A wave of demographic change is sweeping through the Catholic Church in the United States. According to projections, in 20 years, half of American Catholics will be Hispanic.

New York Archdiocese to close schools, convert one to pre-K education

The closings in New York City come as the archdiocese carries out its 2013 Making All Things New planning initiative. The archdiocese said that the schools were located at parishes where facilities, including churches, are used sporadically.