National News

Cooking priest shares recipe for ‘super quick’ Lenten meal

Father Leo Patalinghug, known by many as the cooking priest, demonstrated for Catholic News Service how to make a Lenten meal that he described as "super quick" with delicious flavors that also goes along well with the Lenten theme of simplicity.

St. Louis archbishop pushes for switch to Girl Scout alternatives

The Archdiocese of St. Louis has formed a new Catholic Committee for Girls Formation that is being charged with ministry to all girls in the archdiocese.

Court favors diocese in same-sex discrimination claim

A Missouri circuit court judge granted the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph's motion for summary judgment in a suit filed by a woman who was fired from her parish job after her same-sex marriage was publicized.

Flint’s water crisis underlines need to reach out to city dwellers

When contaminants were found in Flint's drinking water, Catholics from a suburban Michigan parish wasted no time in responding with action and prayer. Their motto: "Out of the burbs, back to the bricks. Help Flint."

Socially responsible investors press companies to do the right thing

Corporations' annual general meetings give shareholders, especially faith-based investors, the chance to engage corporate leaders on issues such as human rights, climate change, human trafficking and lobbying.

On climate issue, Catholics urged to ‘feel pain of the planet, of the poor’

The pope's right-hand man on environmental issues called for relying on Christian spirituality and "major shifts in thinking" to change lifestyles and economic management in order to preserve all of God's creation.

Knights of Columbus join push for Middle East genocide petition

Mass murders and deportations, torture, forcible conversions to Islam, the sexual enslavement and rape of girls and women, and destruction of Christian churches all are evidence of genocide, say U.S. Christians.

‘24 Hours for the Lord’ calls for all churches to stay open March 4-5

Responding to Pope Francis' initiative to focus on the mercy of God, Catholic churches around the world will offer eucharistic adoration and confessions for 24 hours. See details and a map of participating parishes in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Little Sisters of the Poor are the public face of fight against HHS mandate

The Little Sisters and other plaintiffs, in a case the Supreme Court will hear March 23, cite a 1993 religious freedom law to argue the HHS mandate amounts to an undue burden on their free exercise of religion.

Plan to close detention center leaves unanswered questions for advocates

As President Barack Obama offered a long-awaited plan to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, organizations advocating for the closure welcomed the news and called for an end of the policy of holding remaining detainees without charges.