National News

Catholic leaders welcome new encyclical

Watch a live video press conference with Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz and Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl as they welcome Pope Francis' new encyclical today at 8:30 a.m.

Reaction to PopUpPope in Philadelphia ‘spectacular,’ say creators

Two friends created a cardboard image of Pope Francis that is folded up so it pops into position and it also "pops up" in locations around the city.

Senate adopts anti-torture amendment backed by Catholics, evangelicals

Catholic and evangelical leaders in separate letters urged U.S. senators to support it, because it strengthens current law and requires all U.S. government agencies -- including the CIA -- to limit interrogation techniques to those set out in the U.S. Army Field Manual.

U.S. Catholics weigh in on global warming, Pope Francis in Pew survey

Nearly three-quarters of U.S. Catholics share with 68 percent of the overall population the belief that the earth is warming. The pope's encyclical on the environment will be released June 18. Watch a related video.

Catholics around the world pray rosary for priests

UPDATED - The national shrine in Washington was one of 84 shrines in 46 nations, from Siberia to Guatemala, participating in the rosary relay June 12.

High court rules on fetal ultrasound law, immigration appeals

The Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that blocked North Carolina's law requiring physicians to perform an ultrasound on women seeking abortions.

U.S. military archbishop helps dedicate memorial in Normandy, France

Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese of the Military Services gave the benediction June 6 after the dedication of a new monument on Utah Beach that depicts three American GIs emerging from a Higgins boat.

Pope accepts resignations of St. Paul archbishop, auxiliary

UPDATED - Last week charges were filed against the St. Paul Archdiocese alleging it had contributed to the harm of three minors sexually abused by former priest Curtis Wehmeyer.

Catholics, evangelicals urge anti-torture amendment

Catholic and evangelical leaders want U.S. senators to support a bipartisan bill that would prohibit the U.S. government from using torture in interrogations.

Historic number of Catholics to seek U.S. presidency in 2016

Twelve Catholics indicating an interested in running for the presidency and four who have already declared their candidacy are dispelling the onetime stigma of Catholics for seeking the highest national office. Watch a related video.