National News

Ambiguities about Serra should not discount sainthood, panelists say

Although the upcoming canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra has stirred mixed reaction, a group of panelists April 22 said the ambiguities around the friar should not discount the good work he did or the positive dialogue and reconciliation that could result from his sainthood.

Mourners’ consolation is hope of the Resurrection, says archbishop

Hundreds of priests and seminarians from the Archdiocese of Chicago gathered in Holy Name Cathedral April 21 for evening prayer during the visitation for the Cardinal Francis E. George.

Longtime Chicago barber made Cardinal George laugh and look good

Alfredo Fricano is probably one of the only people who could get away with telling Cardinal Francis E. George he looked like a "bum."

U.S. Senate reaches compromise on measure to assist trafficking victims

The U.S. Senate reached a compromise April 21 on a measure to help victims of sex trafficking that had been held up by lawmakers pushing to include funding for abortion.

Columban priest targets traffickers of children in Philippine ministry

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Arriving in the Philippines from Ireland in 1969 as a young missionary priest, Columban Father Shay Cullen hardly expected he’d end up fighting a burgeoning sex industry. More than 45 years later, despite death threats and confrontations with uncooperative authorities, Father Cullen, 72, continues to patrols bars and hotels to free kids […]

Technology helps second-grader prepare for first Communion

As a member of a military family, she currently lives at Fort Knox, an Army post in Kentucky, where her father is stationed. Because the Catholic resources there were lacking, Taylor's parents, Pam and Shane Garrison, looked elsewhere to enroll their daughter in a preparation class for the sacrament.

Detroit Archdiocese to host international Courage conference in August

The Aug. 10-12 conference at the Inn at St. John's in Plymouth is titled "'Love One Another as I Have Loved You' -- Welcoming and Accompanying Our Brothers and Sisters With Same-Sex Attraction."

Bishop Braxton frames approach to talking about U.S. racial divide

Building a public address around his pastoral letter on the racial divide in the United States, Bishop Edward K. Braxton of Belleville, Illinois, asked his audience to imagine themselves in a world where the Catholic Church's imagery and culture is Afro-centric.

Church must remain vigilant in addressing abuse, USCCB president says

The U.S. Catholic Church spent a total of $150.7 million on child protection efforts and to address allegations of clergy sexual abuse of minors in dioceses and religious orders between July 2013 and June 2014.

Alito halts HHS mandate for Pittsburgh and Erie dioceses

Officials in the Pennsylvania dioceses hailed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's decision to temporarily halt enforcement of the federal contraceptive mandate.