
Worry over immigration on minds of Hispanic charismatic Catholics

Attendance at the congress in Nebraska was up this year even as people feared federal agents would arrest immigrants without documents. The local bishop assured them "the church always has room for you."

1,300 deacons and wives praised for their work of caring for others

The permanent diaconate is flourishing in the U.S., but the apostolic nuncio to the U.S. said at a national congress that the role of permanent deacons is to evangelize and care for others, not to perform office duties.

Cardinal Farrell expresses shock over Cardinal McCarrick abuse case

The head of the Vatican office for laity and family said he "never heard any of this before in the six years" that he served as a bishop under the retired Washington archbishop, who is accused of sexual harassment.

Once-shy camper grows into teen role model, thanks to Catholic camp

As a boy who was too shy to talk, Nabil Alattia now works with kids at the Catholic Social Services summer camp he once attended, applying the life skills he learned through a CSS neighborhood center.

U.S. church officials favor balance of priests, laity in marriage prep

Despite an American cardinal's assertion that priests "have no credibility" to train couples for marriage, U.S. pastoral leaders stressed parenting skills are needed even more than marriage prep.

Cardinal Tagle tearily laments killing of innocents in Philippines

More than 23,000 killings, linked to the government's crackdown on drugs, have been reported in the past two years since Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte assumed office. Church leaders are condemning his record.

Men, women with same-sex attraction take Courage at conference

The international Catholic ministry held its annual meeting July 12-14 at Villanova University, where 450 participants shared how "we are all as welcome as any other member of the parish."

West Philly man’s WWII memoir published half-century after his death

When Private First Class Harry Houldin returned home to Philadelphia after serving in Europe and Africa, he wrote a manuscript that laid in a trunk until it was published this year, 56 years after he died in 1962.

Archbishop Hunthausen, 96, led ecumenical efforts following Vatican II

The retired archbishop of Seattle esposed nuclear disarmament, broader roles for women in the church and outreach ministry to gays and lesbians. On ecumenism, he said, "we're all looking for ways to get to God."

New hospital center part of church’s role to be ‘healing force in world’

Bishop Michael J. Bransfield of Wheeling-Charleston blessed and dedicated the new three-story, 107,000-square-foot Continuous Care Center, nursing care facility, operated by the diocese's Wheeling Hospital..