
Out of this world: Vatican’s care for creation includes final frontier

The Holy See has always kept a close eye on the heavens, advocating that space exploration be ethical, just and peaceful.

Women faith leaders at rally denounce separation of families at border

About 200 people gathered outside the U.S. Customs and Border Protection headquarters in Washington at a rally to protest the Trump administration's policy of separating families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border June 19.

Mexican bishops decry U.S. policy of separating families at border

The bishops said separating families "causes dangerous and harmful consequences to children because it makes them more vulnerable. ... The best interests of children have priority over any other question or discussion in this matter."

Pope: Commandments are God’s loving words, not oppressive commands

The Ten Commandments given by God are meant to protect his children from self-destruction; they are not harsh rules meant to enslave and oppress, Pope Francis said.

Abuse allegation against Cardinal McCarrick found credible

The retired archbishop of Washington said June 20 he will no longer exercise any public ministry "in obedience" to the Vatican after an allegation he abused a teenager 47 years ago was found credible.

Bishop Kicanas wins England award, stresses Catholic press’ critical role

The Catholic Press Association gives the England award each year to honor a publisher of a Catholic publication who used the Catholic press to defend the rights of religion and individuals in a free society.

Peruvian organization founded by Maryknoll nun wins human rights award

The organization, Human Rights and Environment, based in Puno teaches people to defend their rights under Peruvian and international law and provides legal defense in cases of rights violations.

Former math teacher makes sure girls, women in South Sudan, Haiti learn

Ten years ago, Sister Marilyn founded Mercy Beyond Borders, a nonprofit group that helps educate girls and support women's entrepreneurial projects in South Sudan and Haiti.

Pope supports U.S. bishops’ criticism of ‘immoral’ immigration policy

UPDATED - Pope Francis said he stands with the U.S. bishops in their condemnation of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" immigration policy, which has separated children from parents.

St. Andrew’s, Newtown, captures CYO softball title with 10-3 win

The Crusaders used a five-run fourth inning to break open a tight game and beat Immaculate Heart of Mary, Philadelphia, for the archdiocesan championship. Most of the girls have played together for years, aiming for this goal.