
Pilgrim’s progress: Papal trip to Geneva marks ‘new spring’ in ecumenism

The trip's major focus is highlighting the Catholic Church's commitment to seeking Christian unity and recognizing the unique contribution of the World Council of Churches.

Bishops adopt ‘pastoral response’ for Asian, Pacific Island Catholics

Bishop Oscar A. Solis, chairman of the bishops' Subcommittee for Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs, told the assembly that the document addresses the fastest growing minority community in the United States church.

Official explains Vatican media strategy: Let the pope be himself

To be "successful" on social media, Pope Francis only has to be himself; gimmicks aren't necessary, a Vatican official told Catholic communicators.

U.S. officials return stolen Columbus letter back to Vatican Library

The rare 15th century document describing the riches of the New World had been secretly replaced with a forgery, while the true document ended up in the hands of a U.S. collector from Atlanta.

Bishops accept revised guidelines for health care partnerships

Under development since 2015, the revised directives govern moral questions related to the delivery of health care in settings involving cooperation among Catholic and non-Catholic systems.

Bishops approve charter changes to widen protection of young people

The changes are the first since 2011 as the work to update the document took several years to wind through the review process established by the bishops.

Migration is about people, not numbers, pope says

Migrants seeking a better life in other countries must not be viewed with suspicion but rather defended and protected, no matter their status, Pope Francis said.

Dominican sisters, women of faith, decry policy of separating families

A woman's religious order and a group of women of all faiths are taking a stance against the Trump administration's policy of separating families by taking children into custody and sending parents to detention centers at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Q and A with Bangladeshi human rights activist on clergy sexual abuse

Bangladeshi human rights activist Rosaline Costa says reports of clergymen abusing women and children have been around Christendom for years.

Dominican Sisters-run home for dying patients to shut it doors

An era will end in Philadelphia when Sacred Heart Free Home for Incurable Cancer suspends operations this August. The unique ministry that relies entirely on donations may reopen if vocations continue to rise.