
Third Philippine priest shot since December

Father Rey Urmeneta, 64, a priest at St. Michael the Archangel Parish in the city, was on his way to a church meeting when two gunmen shot him.

Mexico City Archdiocese, abuse survivors network pledge cooperation

The Archdiocese of Mexico City and SNAP Mexico have agreed to work cooperatively to protect children, promote healing and pursue justice in the cases of pedophile prelates.

Gossip destroys Holy Spirit’s gift of peace, pope says

Continuing his series of audience talks on confirmation, Pope Francis spoke about the gift of the Holy Spirit that Christians receive in the sacrament.

Oregon Catholics take God’s love to streets with eucharistic procession

Amid the blare of fire engine sirens, the pulse of rock music from car stereos and the curious looks of afternoon alfresco diners, Christ made his way through downtown Portland June 3.

Irish president apologizes to women sent to Magdalene laundries

President Michael D. Higgins of Ireland described the treatment of women and children in state-controlled institutions managed by the Catholic Church as a "deep stain on Ireland's past."

Priest: Immigrants’ perseverance, faith inspires those who work with them

If people are going to serve the immigrant community, they always must look for the good being done by that community, said Jesuit Father Sean Carroll, executive director of the Kino Border Initiative.

Panel looks at how Catholic social teaching can address polarization

Organizers said the conference was meant to be a starting point to bring about Pope Francis' vision of the church responding to human hurts and social challenges by living out the joy of the Gospel.

New Mexico archbishop prays for all ‘in harm’s way’ during wildfire

To date, the wildfire has charred over 36,000 acres and destroyed buildings on the famed Philmont Scout Ranch.

Iraq’s challenges call for proactive church, patriarch tells clergy

Cardinal-designate Louis Raphael I Sako called on the Chaldean Catholic Church and other churches to "revive all their energies" to try new approaches to rebuilding the Christian community.

Pope prays for victims of Guatemala volcano disaster

Although the death toll was at 69 people June 5, authorities believed many more may still be buried under the volcanic rubble.