
Speaker: U.S. should recognize past flaws on religious freedom

Panelists urged that religious freedom be included in America's foreign policy decisions, even if the U.S. failed to do so in the past. "We've had a history of backing bad guys -- some very bad guys" said a speaker.

Catholic leaders see growing concern among investors about gun violence

A Catholic-led shareholder proposal calling on gun manufacturer Sturm Ruger to report its efforts to improve gun safety received majority support at the company's annual stockholder meeting May 9 in Prescott.

Chilean bishops confirm Vatican meeting on abuse scandal May 14-17

The bishops of Chile will discuss their handling of clerical sex abuse allegations and, as Pope Francis had said, "to repair the scandal as much as possible and re-establish justice."

German bishops release marriage prep document based on ‘Amoris Laetitia’

The German document, released May 7, is intended to be the first module in a series of "building blocks" the bishops are currently developing based on the pope's exhortation on pastoral care of families.

Embezzlement trial of former Vatican bank official begins

The Vatican has accused a former director of the Vatican bank and his lawyer of money laundering and embezzlement, saying the men skimmed an estimated 57 million euros off profits from the sale of Vatican properties.

Be inspired by Mary, Christ’s first lay disciple, pope tells laypeople

During a quick morning visit to Tuscany, Pope Francis praised two lay communities there that are dedicated to living out the Gospel values of reciprocal love and cooperation.

Pope, bishops mark anniversary of St. John Paul’s condemnation of Mafia

As the bishops and faithful of Sicily remembered St. John Paul II's visit in 1993 and, especially, his "prophetic invective" against the Mafia, Pope Francis urged them to continue the fight against organized crime.

Inquiry or Inquisition? Looking again at Father Teilhard de Chardin

Jesuit Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's attempts to integrate what science was suggesting about evolution with the truths of faith led to a ban on teaching and publishing during his lifetime.

St. Jude parishioners visit Divine Providence Village

Fun, fellowship and craft-making marked the April 21 day of service, which was part of this year's Catholic Charities Appeal.

Vietnamese nuns attacked protesting construction on disputed land

St. Paul de Chartres sisters in Vietnam were attacked by construction site guards while they were protesting the building of a house on their former land.