
Vatican notes 22 church workers murdered in 2021

None of the 13 priests, one religious brother, two religious sisters and six laypeople "carried out striking feats," a church agency said, but they gave witness to their faith amidst extreme poverty, war or civil tensions.

Peace is gift requiring human action, pope says on New Year’s Day

Beginning with "peace in our hearts" with a "positive outlook," people must commit to peace with "concrete actions," Pope Francis said. "Getting depressed or complaining is useless. We need to roll up our sleeves to build peace."

Pope prays Christmas will bring yearning for peace, dialogue

Jesus was born to draw us closer to God and one another, and the many hardships suffered by millions show how urgent such compassionate encounter is, said Pope Francis in his Dec. 25 "urbi et orbi" (to the city and to the world) blessing.

Christmas traditions prepare faithful for the joy of Jesus’ birth

From posadas and novenas to seafood and spiders, beloved Christmas rituals connect believers to Bethlehem across cultures and through the generations.

COVID-19 causing a ‘parallel pandemic’ for kids, Vatican says

Two new Vatican documents outlined the situation children and adolescents are facing worldwide and how governments, communities and the church can respond -- especially by keeping schools and parish programs open.

COVID-19 vaccines present ‘no ethical problem,’ says head of papal academy

The Vatican has reaffirmed its support of COVID-19 vaccines with both the head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and a Holy See communique insisting that getting inoculated is "an act of love," while refusing them is irresponsible.

Family’s faith comes to head in Tridentine Brewing operation

Lifelong Catholic Trevor Alcorn's great-great-grandmother brewed beer in her bathtub in Chicago during Prohibition in the 1920s. Today his home-brew hobby is running professionally and with an eye to the saints, especially Blessed Karl of Austria.

Couple: Young Catholic adults need community, parish outreach

A young Pittsburgh couple, 24 and 23, are sharing their strong faith with their peers, one at a time, through activities and friendships. From this personal relationship emerges community, "and then they become interested in our Catholic way of life."

Cardinal Turkson exits; pope names Canadian cardinal for key post

Pope Francis has named Cardinal Michael Czerny to lead the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, formed in 2017. The move ends Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson's five-year term of service.

Deepen your faith in the new year

The School of Theological Studies at St. Charles Seminary is welcoming a new cohort in its Institute for Christian Formation, geared to Catholic adults and equipping them "to be better disciples of Jesus,” said the school's director.