
Vatican budgets show previously unreported assets

Using new standard accounting procedures , the Holy See reported $1 billion in net assets that had never been reported before and in a consolidated form.

Sister’s retirement marks end of an era at Manor College

Sister Mary Cecilia Jurasinski, O.S.B.M., president of Manor College in Jenkintown for the past 30 years, has retired. The school remains the only two-year Catholic college in the region.

Researcher says success rate in use of adult stem cells ‘staggering’

Adult stem cells, easily harvested from human bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and fat tissue, have a successful track record in treatments for more than 90 medical conditions and diseases.

Speaker highlights major breakthroughs in adult stem-cell therapies

David Prentice, a member of the center's advisory board, gave an overview of several breakthroughs in the use of adult stems cells to an audience at the National Right to Life Convention in New Orleans.

Jordan bank of river where Jesus baptized declared UNESCO heritage site

"The decision is logical. The Eastern side is where all the Byzantine antiquities and churches are located," said Franciscan Father Eugenio Alliata, professor of Christian archaeology at Jerusalem's Studium Biblicum Franciscanum.

Nepal’s new constitution in making should be ‘secular,’ church urges

The Apostolic Vicariate of Nepal sent a memorandum July 12 to the major parties in the country's ruling coalition urging that that the word 'secular' be inserted in the constitution's preamble to ensure full religious freedom. It also demanded Christianity be recognized as a religion.

Bishop: Vatican is free to work with everyone, UN is not the ‘devil’

The church will continue to collaborate with the United Nations on any joint project that "does not go against the doctrine of the church," he said at a news conference July 15.

Sydney archbishop: People can’t be forced to change views of marriage

"There are voices in our culture that no longer think marriage need be for life, or be open to children, or be exclusive, or be between man and wife," Archbishop Fisher told the standing-room-only congregation, including 30 couples celebrating anniversaries of 50-65 years.

Court rules against Little Sisters’ plea to avoid way to bypass mandate

Religious entities are not substantially burdened by procedures set out by the federal government by which they can avoid a requirement to provide contraceptive coverage in health insurance, a federal court ruled.

Ukrainian priest says his emotional captivity was worse than physical

Ukrainian Catholic Father Tykhon Kulbaka was headed to the chapel in the room rented by the local Catholic community. En route, he stopped at a grocery store, where four men grabbed him, blindfolded him and made him breathe chloroform.