
Pope tells young Paraguayans: Stir things up, then help fix things

In his last major event before ending a weeklong trip to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay, the pope spoke about service, solidarity, hope and freedom of heart.

Pope greets patients, families at Paraguayan children’s hospital

The pope spent about half an hour in the "Ninos de Acosta Nu" general pediatric hospital, where he visited various wards and spoke privately with children and parents.

Pope says Paraguayans in poor barrio remind him of Holy Family

"I couldn't be in Paraguay without being with you, in your land," he told the crowd gathered outside St. John the Baptist chapel, one of 13 chapels in the huge Holy Family Parish. As archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Pope Francis ministered in similar neighborhoods.

Archbishop Chaput’s statement regarding Waldron Mercy Academy

Read Archbishop Chaput’s statement on Waldron Mercy Academy

Highlighting prisoners, pope stops to listen to Paraguayan inmates sing

Although brief, the stop outside the Good Shepherd women's prison, where he blessed the women and received a hand-embroidered stole from them, reinforced the concern for prisoners expressed in Bolivia earlier that day.

South America, Cuba-U.S. trip itineraries show heart of pope’s faith

With almost every step Pope Francis takes on his foreign trips and with his every embrace, he pleads for dialogue and inclusion.

Close to home, pope highlights need for cooperation for common good

Only 25 miles from the border with Argentina, tens of thousands of Pope Francis' fellow Argentines filled the square in front of the shrine and the streets around it July 11 to pray with "their" pope.

Vatican court delays abuse trial after ex-nuncio hospitalized

However, during the trial's opening session July 11, Vatican prosecutors formally listed all the charges against the laicized former archbishop, Jozef Wesolowski.

Same-sex marriage ruling settles one legal question, leaves many others

Although some critics of the decision suggested clergy would be required to conduct marriage ceremonies that conflict with their faiths' teachings, most legal observers said that clearly would not pass legal scrutiny.

Catholic leaders urge Congress to help people released from prison

Miami's archbishop and the head of Catholic Charities USA urged Congress to pass legislation they say would help more than 650,000 men, women and juveniles who re-enter society each year from prisons, jails and detention centers.