
Pope ends Japan trip with visit to Jesuit university

Pope Francis spent his last morning in Japan at the Jesuit-run Sophia University, celebrating Mass with his Jesuit confreres, visiting aged members of the Jesuit community and addressing students and staff.

Warrington Catholic school proud of its 2 Neumann scholars

Vincent Black and Michael Funk of St. Joseph/St. Robert Catholic School were among the 41 eighth graders across the archdiocese to win four-year scholarships to a Catholic high school.

Pa. bishops visiting Rome won’t miss Thanksgiving meal

In their periodic required visit to meet with the pope at the Holy See, the bishops of Pennsylvania and New Jersey are discussing, praying and, with other Americans in Rome, eating together on Thursday.

Victims of Christian persecution remembered at ‘Night of Witness’ service

The Nov. 23 observance gave a voice to those who have died from religious persecution during the past two years, mostly in the Middle East, South Asia and African nations where Christians are in the minority.

Bishop Caggiano named chairman of Catholic Relief Services board

Bishop Frank J. Caggiano of Bridgeport, Connecticut, is the new chairman of the board of Catholic Relief Services following his appointment by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Work on Wisconsin farm prepared slain brother for service in Guatemala

Nearly 37 years after his death, Christian Brother James Miller will be beatified during Mass Dec. 7 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception in Huehuetenango. He will be the first American-born Christian Brother declared blessed.

Five Gulf South states rank at bottom of ‘social justice’ index

For the third consecutive year, states in the Gulf South of the U.S. ranked near the bottom of a 2018 "social justice" index that measures poverty, racial disparity and immigrant exclusion, according to the Jesuit Social Research Institute at Loyola University New Orleans.

Panelists say from day one, Pope Francis showed world he would be a pastor

First impressions of Pope Francis in 2013 revealed his style and pastoral priorities, and since then, his words and actions have continued to inspire and challenge the Catholic Church and the world.

New asylum rules ignore plight of Central Americans, Catholic leaders say

Two Catholic leaders expressed concerned with the federal government's plan to send Central Americans who want asylum in the U.S. to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador where they would be required to apply for U.S. asylum while in one of those countries.

Pro-life leaders say amendment would ‘enrich’ abortion providers overseas

Sponsored by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-New Hampshire, the amendment " has several problematic provisions," the pro-life leaders said in a Nov. 21 letter to Trump, saying it "must be removed" before final passage of the bill.