Photo features

Catholic high schools kick off new academic year

Students at the high schools returned to class in person last week for the first time since last March. See Archbishop Perez's visit to a Bucks County school and a welcome at a Montgomery county school.

West Catholic hosts visit by Archbishop Perez, kicks off new year

Archbishop Nelson Perez was on hand Sept. 9 at West Catholic Preparatory High School in Philadelphia to welcome back students for the first day of the new school year.

Back to school in 2020 mixes precaution with excitement

Schools across the Archdiocese of Philadelphia returned to classes fully this week, welcoming students to in-person instruction and, for those who wished it, virtual participation.

Students glad to be back at Montco Catholic school

Corpus Christi School in Lansdale welcomed back 406 students, including 22 participating virtually from home, for the start of an unprecedented school year, with COVID precautions.

Prayers mingle with tears at parish’s Beirut memorial

Members of St. Maron Maronite Catholic Church in South Philadelphia gathered Aug. 10 to remember victims of the deadly Aug. 4 explosion in Lebanon's capital.

Biking for Vocations rolls through region with prayerful seminarians

The five-day event Aug. 5-9 saw two groups of seminarians from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary visiting 17 parishes to promote awareness of vocations to priesthood and religious life.

Leaders break ground on latest Catholic senior housing project

At a ceremony Aug. 10, Archbishop Nelson Perez and numerous civic, business and archdiocesan officials launched the St. Rita Place and Cascia Center project to provide affordable housing.

Faith leaders join Black Lives Matter rally for racial justice

The Catholic, Jewish, Methodist, Quaker and Episcopalian leaders of the Interfaith Council of Southern Delaware County led some 200 participants in a nonviolent protest rally and march Saturday, Aug. 1.

Archbishop Perez returns to old neighborhood with message of hope

During a July 26 visit to Holy Innocents Parish in Northeast Philadelphia, the archbishop greeted longtime friends, while urging faithful to be joyful missionary disciples.

Hundreds gather for pro-life Mass, prayer vigil

Despite an ongoing heatwave, some 400 participated in a July 25 liturgy and rally sponsored by the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia.