
St. Katharine award recipient’s rich life has enriched others

After careers as a bullfighter and flight attendant, Carmen Bermudez now runs a successful investment firm. And she gives back: “When you get to the top you have to send the elevator down for others,” she said.

Doctor relies on God to witness for sanctity of life

Dr. Monique Ruberu wanted to do more to protect human life after attending a prayer vigil at a center city Philadelphia abortion clinic in February 2014, so she started the 40 Days for Life campaign there.

The good life starts with commitment

Mike and Christa Speranza used to attend Mass by force of habit. But after they married and started a family, they resolved to pray together, make sacrifices and model a happy marriage for their six children.

Growing the faith and selling all the tea in China

Temple University professor and devout Catholic John Smagula sees "the hand of God" in his travels to China, where he helps poor Catholic farmers market their tea to make money and to evangelize.

Special parents see the blessings of raising special twins

The Schueller family of Warrington faces the hard work presented by the special needs of their children. Parents Tom and Lorraine don’t focus on the challenges, because with any family, there are always challenges.

Insider writes the book on healthy marriage and family

Christopher Roberts is one of the lead authors of the catechesis for the World Meeting of Families used by parishes and families. He and his wife are Ph.D. theologians, but they're really offering church teaching on family life from their lived experience.

Pregnant at 16, Anne chose adoption for her baby

After marrying and raising three sons, Anne Hinnegan now tells the story of her own teenage crisis, the loving support her parents gave and the choice she made for the life of a daughter she has never met.

What Mom’s love can do

One woman’s compassion to help her lonely and underfed elderly neighbors became the driving force behind Aid For Friends 40 years ago. Today the Schiavone family keeps her mission going strong by providing 460,000 free meals, and company, each year to old and sick people.

Adopting an attitude for life

In the first of’s series “Faithful Families,” examining Catholic families in the preparatory time before the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, meet two Montgomery County couples who between them have adopted seven children. The two moms also teach young people the value of adoption as a choice for life.

He’s living with epilepsy, and on a mission

Dan Dougherty of St. Luke Parish in Glenside lives a full, active life as he works through the difficulties of epilepsy and other challenges that help him see God’s plan for his life.