World News

South African bishops: Zuma’s resignation was long overdue

Jacob Zuma's resignation as president of South Africa is long overdue, the country's bishops said, noting that his scandal-plagued presidency fostered corruption and dereliction of duty at all levels of government.

Islamic State has landed in lawless Somalia, bishop says

The insurgent group -- linked to mass killings, abductions and beheadings in Iraq and Syria, where it is facing defeat -- see Somalia as a suitable base due to its lawlessness, Bishop Giorgio Bertin, apostolic administrator of Mogadishu, Somalia.

Vatican denies report Pope Benedict has degenerative disease

In an interview published Feb. 13 in the German weekly entertainment magazine, Neue Post, Msgr. Ratzinger said Pope Benedict suffered from a nerve disease that was slowly paralyzing him.

Vatican releases pope’s Holy Week, Easter schedule

The Vatican released Pope Francis' liturgical schedule for March and April, including Holy Week and Easter.

Pope told Jesuits he regularly meets abuse survivors, journal reports

The scandal of clerical sexual abuse shows not only the "fragility" of the Catholic Church, he said, "but also -- let us speak clearly -- our level of hypocrisy."

Cardinal Tagle says everyone has a little migrant in their soul

The story of human history is one based on people moving around the planet in search of a better life and it is humanity's responsibility -- and the church's -- to welcome travelers and meet their needs, Cardinal Tagle said.

Pope says he prays for those who call him a heretic

"When I perceive resistance, I seek dialogue whenever it is possible; but some resistance comes from people who believe they possess the true doctrine and accuse you of being a heretic," the pope told a group of Jesuits.

In Vancouver, Catholics adapt ancient Lunar New Year traditions

For Asian Catholics in North America, marking the Lunar New Year can be tricky when the traditional feast falls during Lent, because part of the traditional celebrations include large family meals.

People have right to receive God’s word, so preach it well, pope says

The pope continued his series of audience talks on the Mass, underlining the importance of receiving "abundantly from the treasury of God's word" present in the Mass readings and the homily.

U.N. officials, church leaders decry escalating situation in Syria

As Syria's war soon enters its eighth year, many decry the recent dangerous escalation in the conflict, whether in the country's north, between Turkey and the Kurds, or in the south, between Iran and Israel.