
Christ’s coming in history, mystery and majesty

As Advent draws to a close we are invited to focus more on the preparation of our hearts to receive Christ when he comes again in glory. He frees us from anxiety to welcome him with open arms.

Making John the Baptist’s acquaintance in Advent

John's advice that "whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none" anticipates Jesus' words, "for I was hungry and you gave me food." John's presence during Advent underscores the importance of Christ’s second coming.

This Christmas, greet the newborn Jesus well prepared

As the Christmas season arrives with the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord, take time to explore its deep well of meaning and cultural expressions with this package of articles, photos and videos.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year … to sing!

Hymns of praise belong in the home as well as in the church pew, and singing Christmas carols with family and friends can deepen our joy as we celebrate the Lord's birth.

Take up acts of service this Christmas season

Writing checks to charities -- who need help all year -- is important, but this Christmas, set a goal of personal contact with people on the margins. This is important to them, but imperative for us.

A closer look at the Nativity story in Luke’s Gospel

Traditional art often obscures the radical humility and universal love revealed in the Scriptural account of Christ's birth. A professor looks at Mary, Elizabeth and one stinky manger.

Tradition and heritage: Fish for Christmas Eve

Ukrainians, Poles, Italians and Portuguese, among others, mark the eve of Christ’s birth with a traditional meatless feast that emphasizes family and food. Try this recipe for baked cod with garlic mayonnaise.

At Christmas, take heart! God is with us!

Although many welcome the amplification of goodwill and cheer at Christmas, for some, the glitter and emotions of it all can bring on less festive feelings of anxiety and depression. No matter how deeply we hurt, God is holding onto us.

Emmanuel: The name sums up the Christmas message

Curious believers want to know not just who or what God is, but what God does, how God acts. So to affirm that "God is with us" is to make a huge statement about the kind of God Christians rely upon.

Hispanic Christmas traditions pass on faith and culture

Popular devotions such as novenas, posadas and the Misa del Gallo bring the birth of Christ alive in the hearts of Latino Catholics from several nations.