
An agenda for surrender

As her own plans crumbled on a Irish adventure this summer, Gina Christian learned God's will at the tomb of Venerable Matt Talbot, on which she laid a notebook of prayer requests for those struggling with addiction.

Rosary’s lifeline to Jesus and Mary more relevant than ever

At a time of pressures on busy families immersed in the digital age, this package of resources can help anyone deepen their relationship with the Lord. If it's been a while since you've prayed the rosary, watch our refresher video.

Five reasons the rosary is the perfect prayer for families

The rosary is simple and tactile, it brings peace and, through story, mirrors the rhythms of daily family life, writes Gretchen Crowe. No better prayer is suited to family life than the rosary.

Too distracted to pray the rosary?

In the digital age of rapidly shortening attention spans, distractions can easily crop up when praying the rosary. But it's still the most user-friendly way to find tweet-sized signposts toward Jesus through Mary.

Guardian angels are life’s traveling companions, pope says

Christians have guardian angels to encourage and guide them so they won't become sluggish on their journey in life, Pope Francis said at morning Mass Oct. 2, Feast of the Guardian Angels.

What church law says about ‘secret’ archives, 4 Gospels

Father Ken Doyle answers questions about why the church keeps its personnel records under lock and key, and why the stories about the life and mission of Jesus are more than "biographies."

Should we have to attend Sunday Mass?

Father Kenneth Doyle explains to a reader what's behind the church's command to attend the Sunday Eucharist. In response to another reader's question, he clarifies how to pray the rosary more effectively.

Discipleship means avoiding sin, as well as seeking good

In challenging us to "cut off our hands" and "tear out our eyes," Jesus radically calls us to forsake anything that damages our relationship with God and with each other.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Hitting the right notes with music at Mass

Music plays an important, but often misunderstood, role in Catholic liturgy. In a set of articles we look at how parishes can improve their music at Mass to give glory to God.