
Sage advice for graduates: Read books

Noted columnist Peggy Noonan told Catholic University of America graduates that not only will reading -- not just watching screens -- help them think deeply and lead well, but "civilization depends on it."

God, the giver of the seed, guarantees its growth

Through our faith in him, the Lord works silently and steadily in our lives, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Acknowledging God’s hidden activity leads us to respond with gratitude and conversion.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Taking communion in a Protestant church? Basically, no

Father Ken Doyle in his weekly Q&A column replies to a Catholic man inquiring about communion in his wife's Methodist church. Also, Father Doyle replies to a reader's question about the pope's security detail.

‘Great forger’ wants to lead us astray from fullness of life with God

In his commentary on the readings for this Sunday's Mass, Msgr. Joseph Prior unpacks the story of the fall of Adam and Eve, and how Jesus restores us to the harmony of God's plan for us as disciples in his family.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Pope: Small acts of kindness, not great speeches, show God’s love best

"When Jesus wants to teach us how a Christian should be, he tells us very little," the pope said, but he shows people by feeding the hungry and welcoming the stranger.

We’re on a mission from God: Road trips with a purpose

Each year, many Catholic universities, colleges, high schools, parishes and dioceses embark on mission trips, or service trips. Learn more about the summertime phenomenon of hitting the road in service to others.

The life-changing impact of mission trips

Usually, mission trips have a specific project in mind. But the actual work accomplished takes a back seat to the emphasis on building community. It's not "us" helping "them" but a mutual exchange that leads to solidarity.

Every Christian is a missionary

Because we have experienced "the power of the Father's infinite mercy," all Christians, by virtue of baptism, are called to go out on missionary journeys to proclaim the Gospel and "use words when necessary."