
Pope: Present in the Eucharist, Jesus transforms those who receive him

Continuing his talks on the liturgy, Pope Francis spoke about holy Communion with references to springtime growth. Virtues and good works flourish because their root is Jesus, who replenishes with the sacraments and prayer.

Penitent doesn’t like DACA but wants to follow beatitudes

Father Ken Doyle answers a reader who looks to the beatitudes of Jesus as an examination of conscience before going to confession. If a person violates the beatitudes because of one's anti-immigration views, can he be a "good Catholic?"

Readings of the Holy Mass – Fifth Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

In dying to ourselves and serving others, we share in redemption

Msgr. Joseph Prior tells the story of a little-known missionary to lepers in Hawaii to show that everyone, regardless of our state in life, is called to lay down one's life for others, and so to gain eternal life.

It takes more than one ‘Our Father’ to ask for God’s help, pope says

Praying for God's intercession takes courage, dogged persistence and patience, said Pope Francis.

Forgiving others requires help from the Holy Spirit, pope says

The peace offered by Christ cannot take root in a heart that is incapable of living in fraternity with others and incapable of rebuilding those bonds after being wounded, the pope said.

Humility: A Lenten reflection

Growing in the virtue of humility is a worthy practice for Lent, and this package of stories can help keep Christ, the model of humility, first in our lives.

Happily humble: Virtue in a very competitive world

With today's tendency to wildly celebrate victories and talents, Jesus' example of humility might seem strange. But mindfulness of others, gratitude and the need for growth can keep us humble.

A litany of humility for the everyday

Lent offers the perfect opportunity to pray for and work toward growing in humility -- this prayer, or one you make yourself, can help.

How to grow in humility in the social media era

Social media tends to force us into broadcasting ourselves. Humility is the opposite, seeking to put others first and ourselves last. Father Geoffrey Brooke suggests some ways social media can help to build up others.