
No parking zone: Christians need to journey, take risks, pope says

"There are lots of stationary Christians, who do not walk, bogged down by everyday things," he said. They are good people, he said, "but they do not grow, they stay small."

Charity: A Lenten reflection

Love and charity are accented heavily during the annual season of Lent. In this series on the Lenten practice of almsgiving, learn how the season's sacrifices can deepen our commitment to love.

Put loving at the top of your to-do list this Lent

How will I love more generously today? How will I pay greater attention to others' needs, whether my children and spouse, the irritating guy at the next desk, or the homeless in my city?

Abiding in God’s love

The word love is often translated as "charity" to make clear that it means more than having general affection for others -- we are to hold them in esteem and treat them with benevolence.

At the heart of Lent is love, and charity that makes a difference

Just as Jesus in a parable names the poor beggar Lazarus to highlight his dignity, so must we go "out of our way to meet someone having a difficult time, someone who has not been treated as a person."

What the norms say about Communion from the cup

Father Ken Doyle answers questions about how, and whether, persons should receive the precious blood of our Lord at Mass. It should be offered, but need not be since Christ is present in bread or wine alone.

Jesus’ mercy is the medicine that heals the wounded soul

The Lord offers true healing from sin, which is the sickness of the soul, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Through the sacrament of reconciliation, we are restored to spiritual health and wholeness.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Fourth Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Don’t hold grudges; forgiveness comes from forgiving others, pope says

"We carry with us a list of things that have been done to us" and then "grudges make a nest in our heart," Pope Francis said at Mass March 6. "God's forgiveness is felt strongly within us as long as we forgive others."

Sacrifice: A Lenten reflection

Fasting and other sacrifices can aid us in our Lenten journey from self-denial to transformation in Jesus. See our package of stories on sacrifice, which literally means to "make the world a holy place."