
Love both Mom and her baby

A former pro-choice Catholic now sees the beauty of loving, and supporting, expectant mothers before and after they've given birth. A truly pro-life attitude rejects choosing between the rights of the baby and the needs of the mother.

Domestic abuse: A parish response

One in four women and one in seven men are victims of physical violence by their partner. When pastors talk about it in their parishes, a great many parishioners will respond. That is why resources for parish leaders are now available.

A celebration of life in the Bible

There are many examples in Scripture of how life was not only chosen, but fully celebrated among God's people. The preciousness of life until natural death is a joyful song that echoes throughout the Bible.

Pray to archangels for protection from devil, pope says

While the three archangels serve the Lord and contemplate his glory, God also "sends them to accompany us on the road of life," the pope said in his homily at morning Mass.

The Lord calls us to life – but how do we respond?

God desires the best for us, and he always leads us to abundant life, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Trust and humility are required if we want to reach our destination.

Readings of the holy Mass – Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Worst sin is doubting God waits for all sinners to convert, pope says

"He is always at the door, waiting for me to open it just a tiny bit to let him in, and to not be afraid" of past sins getting in the way of conversion, the pope said in a homily Sept. 24.

Closeness to God is true freedom, pope says

A close relationship with Jesus isn't just about being an educated disciple but being a member of his family who listens and practices his teachings, Pope Francis said.  

The Magnificat: Every day is karaoke night with Mary

When Mary "proclaims the greatness of the Lord," she is leading us in a chorus of response to God's call -- a singalong of praise in which we all have a voice, writes Gina Christian.

The ‘unfair’ generosity of God leaves no room for envy

The parable of the workers in the vineyard recalls that God's grace and mercy are undeserved -- and available to all, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.