
Is yoga considered communing with devil?

A reader poses a question about the popular exercise and meditation practice. Father Ken Doyle probes the complexities and controversies of the issue as it regards Catholic teaching.

Christians are oriented toward light, hope, pope says at audience

The ancient practice of orienting church buildings East to West -- with the entrance facing West and the altar toward the East -- was symbolic of the connection that exists between light and hope, Pope Francis said.

Sell all you’ve got for the kingdom of God

In his reflection on this Sunday's Gospel, Msgr. Joseph Prior describes how Christ calls us to a new citizenship, one that inspires a complete giving of self.

Readings of the holy Mass – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Would military action against the Islamic State be just?

Replying to question on a thorny contemporary issue, Father Ken Doyle points to ancient and new Catholic teaching that argues for making military response an absolutely last possible resort.

Spiritual direction helps everyone to encounter God

By conversation and questioning, a good spiritual director accompanies us, helps us to see and listen to where the Spirit is moving.

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice, but for years it was mainly used by priests and religious.

Spiritual direction for today and tomorrow

Often, a life crisis or deep desire to better clarify someone's relationship with God can be the catalyst to seek a spiritual director.

How can Catholics use Scripture in spiritual direction?

What is the Bible, if not about spiritual direction? Open up to a page, any page, and you are bound to find something that offers insight and guidance of one form or another.

As God shows patience with us, we must show it to others

Msgr. Joseph Prior reflects on patience as the theme for this Sunday's readings for Mass, including Jesus' parable of the mustard seed. In time, our longing for union with God will be satisfied.