
Readings of the holy Mass – Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Pope: God weeps for humanity lost in war, idolatry

God became man in order to weep for his lost children who, through the idolatry of money, have left countless innocents dead because of war and arms trafficking, Pope Francis said.

Faith Alive! — Political participation

If Christians are citizens of a world to come, they are citizens of this world too -- citizens whose faith certainly can help to influence and shape society's well-being.

Being a faithful citizen

What is the role of the Catholic citizen in a representative democracy as it is practiced in the United States?

The church and the political process: ‘Involved but not partisan’

More than a few Catholic voters in the United States would be delighted if their pope, their bishop, their pastor or someone "in authority" would tell them, come Election Day, whom to vote for, and maybe even why.

Promoting the common good in the public square

What happens in a society when violent killings escalate to the point of becoming commonplace?

People rigidly bound to the law often live double life, pope says

God's law was made not "to make us slaves but to make us free, to make us children" of God, he said in his homily during Mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae Oct. 24.

Bring fruits of your spiritual life to your parish

A person's spirituality, far from being simply his or her private prayer life, is basically one's whole life in and with God, writes Father John Catoir. The parish community is there to offer support and aid us on our journey.

Pope: The kingdom of God grows through meekness, not rigidity

God's kingdom is not a well-organized structure where only strict adherents of the law can enter but a path that is walked upon every day with meekness and docility, Pope Francis said.

What’s the church doing about vocations? Plenty, actually

A reader worries the decline in priests isn't being addressed, but Father Ken Doyle points out many new initiatives, leading to a slight rise in vocations. He also responds to a question about eating meat on Fridays.