
No one ‘deserves’ faith; it is a gift, pope says

No one deserves faith and no one can buy it; faith is a gift that changes one's life and allows people to recognize Jesus as the son of God with the power to forgive sins, Pope Francis said at his morning Mass.

The ‘smell of mercy’ still lingers after 800 years

Gina Christian is pleasantly surprised to learn how the voice of 11th century monk St. Bernard harmonizes today with Pope Francis’ call to a Year of Mercy.

Service verifies whether a feeling comes from God, pope says

In order to discern whether something comes from God, Christians must first reflect whether it leads to serving others or revolve around themselves, Pope Francis said at his early morning Mass.

As God in flesh, Jesus is also mercy incarnate

Sister Sara Butler writes that in the Year of Mercy, we can have confidence in God’s mercy. Jesus taught and showed how the Father’s mercy exceeds all expectations. Follow our series of monthly reflections on the jubilee year.

Church’s mission is to lead restless hearts to God, pope says

Preaching on the feast of the Epiphany Jan. 6, Pope Francis said the thirst for God is present in everyone, and Christians must help all people to seek the signs God offers in the world.

Reader questions oversight of deacon’s ‘stunning’ homily

Father Ken Doyle explains a pastor's responsibility for preaching in a parish. He also answers a question concerning holy days of obligation.

Church’s forgiveness must be as limitless as God’s mercy, Pope Francis says

Mercy frees people from bitterness and despair and "neither the law with its quibbles, nor the wisdom of this world with its distinctions, can hold it back," the pope said Jan. 1 at St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome.

In the story of the Epiphany, who is seeking whom?

Michelle Francl-Donnay always loved the story of the Magi traveling afar to visit the Child Jesus. Now, she realizes the living God is with us in this land and time, also journeying and seeking us as we seek him.

After sweeping up the tree’s last needles, a new time to grow in Christ

Effie Caldarola looks toward January -- after the Christmas tree has been ingloriously hauled to the curb -- to take up the challenge of the Year of Mercy and ask Jesus to transform us in him.

Hyphenated names are A-OK, but not unbridled corporate greed

Father Ken Doyle answers a reader's question about whether a spouse may hyphenate her name (she may) and another reader's on Pope Francis' strong comments about corporate responsibility.