
Prepare for Christ’s coming with vigilance, persistence

Whether we await his coming in our everyday lives or at the end of time, Christ calls us to "stay awake" by loving God and our neighbor, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Readings of the Holy Mass: First Sunday of Advent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Communion options for the gluten-intolerant

Celiac disease, an autoimmune reaction to eating gluten found in bread, is prevalent but the church offers alternatives such as low-gluten hosts and Communion from the chalice, writes Father Ken Doyle.

Your Advent game plan: Mass, Scripture, meeting the poor

The First Sunday of Advent, Dec. 1, is an invitation to slow down and be present to what’s important. How rewarding will be the 24 days of this season if we keep the words "stay awake" in our heart each day.

An Advent meditation: Dreaming with St. Joseph

Writer Shemaiah Gonzalez offers a prayerful exercise asking the Lord to refresh and guide us in sleep, as he did St. Joseph, so that we may find God more clearly in our waking hours.

Extend a hand to outsiders during Advent

It's hard to forgive the black sheep of the family or befriend lost souls, but Father Eugene Hemrick reminds that Advent is a time to go out on a limb and examine our ultimate purpose in life.

Christmas will matter if we make Advent matter

Deacon Greg Kandra offers three approaches to these most hectic days of the year that can help us experience Advent the way it was meant to be: a period of silence in which we let go of the busyness.

Want to add to hope, joy, reflection, healing? You can do Advent

If Catholics take time for Advent, which begins Dec. 1 this year, they can find it to be a meaningful season.

Thanksgiving: Gratitude for God’s gifts in life’s trying times

Natural and man-made destruction is present in many communities, but for a California resident it's been a tragic year. Still, Americans' gratitude comes from faith in God and our own acts of charity, in love.

Culinary prayer praises God’s abundant gifts

Here's a stuffing recipe for your Thanksgiving table that reflects the bounty of local produce -- with suggestions for local substitutes -- in gratitude for God's blessings through the year.